Pietta vs Uberti pistol

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40 Cal
Dec 2, 2018
Reaction score
Glasgow Ky

I’m thinking about a new model pistol like the 1858 ..
what you the thoughts , may be which is little better than the others..
thanks kybp.
I own a Uberti Remington New Army and a Pietta Remington New Army (also referred to as the'1858' because of it's original patent date on the barrel in the 19th century) and I have been very happy with both. As to comparing both revolvers, I would say that the Uberti appears to have a deeper bluing finish. Otherwise, both revolvers shoot about the same in accuracy and disassembly for cleaning.
I owned a Pietta 1858 a few years ago and quite enjoyed it. Never tried conicals just round balls though. I have heard that Pietta doesn't
widen the loading area enough to accept conicals. I don't know for sure.
From what I have have been reading in reviews, other sites and personal experience expect the possibility of some issue that should have been caught by them prior to shipping. No issues with the 3 Pietta pistols I have.
The only thing I hate about Piettas is the fact that they slap the obnoxious FOR USE WITH BLACK POWDER ONLY warning right on the outside of the barrel for everyone to see. At least Uberti tucks it under the loading lever so you actually have to look for it.
I have a bunch of both in various designs and calibers. Uberti's are better finished, especially going back a few decades, but Pietta has narrowed the gap. Mechanically, surprisingly enough, the Pietta's have always been better in my experience. Just seems like my Uberti's always have some weird things going on. My favorite cap and ball is a standard, unmodified Pietta 1851 Navy in .36. It is worn and haggard after many thousands of rounds, but still shoots clay birds at 50 yards when I do my part. I keep a lot of parts on hand for both Uberti and Pietta, springs, hands, and such break regularly, but can usually be fixed in 5 or 10 minutes if parts are at hand. I firmly believe original antiques had better metallurgy than modern repro Italian guns.
Since the early noughties when both companies went over to fully CAD manufacturing, the fit and finish standards, and most importantly the interchangeability of replacement parts, have improved dramatically.

I was in our LGS a couple of weeks ago looking at a NMA from each maker, and both looked very good to me, especially when going through the cocking actions.
I'm a fan of stainless, and I think only Uberti makes a stainless New Model Army, which is what I got for my first BP revolver. I can tell you that it is absolutely smooth and well timed. It also didn't have a scrape inside the bore like my Pietta 1860 Army had when I got it.

The stainless is really sharp looking and doesn't leave you having to worry about bluing if you want to either preserve the finish or if you want an Armory bright look. For the stainless alone, I would recommend Uberti.

For simple function and reliability, I can't see where there's much difference nowadays.