Being a newbie to muzzleloading I have been spending considerable time on this board reading different postings of interest. I came across one about the pillow ticking being used as the patch wad. When I purchased my accessories to shoot my F/L I bought pre-cut, pre-lubed patches. They have worked great, but wanting to be a bit more " do-it-yourselfer" I wanted to make my own patches.
So, off I go to JoAnn Fabrics and buy a couple yards of pillow ticking.( I did take my micometers along to check the thickness.)
The wife asks me how I plan on cutting the material into little, perfectly roung patches like the ones I bought.
Well, I gave her the " you'll probably do it for me" look. And of course she just started laughing so hard I wasn't sure she'd recover.
Now, the big question is, " How do you folks cut your patches into those perfectly round patches".
I have Bore Butter to use as my lube after getting the patches made.
Thanks, snagg
Being a newbie to muzzleloading I have been spending considerable time on this board reading different postings of interest. I came across one about the pillow ticking being used as the patch wad. When I purchased my accessories to shoot my F/L I bought pre-cut, pre-lubed patches. They have worked great, but wanting to be a bit more " do-it-yourselfer" I wanted to make my own patches.
So, off I go to JoAnn Fabrics and buy a couple yards of pillow ticking.( I did take my micometers along to check the thickness.)
The wife asks me how I plan on cutting the material into little, perfectly roung patches like the ones I bought.
Well, I gave her the " you'll probably do it for me" look. And of course she just started laughing so hard I wasn't sure she'd recover.
Now, the big question is, " How do you folks cut your patches into those perfectly round patches".
I have Bore Butter to use as my lube after getting the patches made.
Thanks, snagg