Pioneer Powder

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45 Cal.
Dec 5, 2004
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Tried the 'search' -but you know how that goes.
I might have missed some of the detail, but while half-watching one of those hunting shows, a promotion for 'Pioneer' powder claimed a shooter, [using one of those nylon stocked abominations] managed 5000 good shots without cleaning.
Possible? What did I miss??
I've seen the same claims from Pioneer Powder.
Personally I feel it is a 'piss poor' gunman
that would even treat his gun in that manner.
5000 shots I may have fired in the last 10years,
and not from one rifle.I know there are those
that shoot that many times a year,but not without
cleaning. To me their claim is mute,because a
responseable gun owner just would not do it.IMHO
I've seen ads for it, claims water is the only cleaner needed. unsure how easy (or difficult) it is to ignite.
I had one of the new ML's before I got hooked on the real deal. I found that shooting the power belt bullets left alot of plastic in the barrel and that alone was the hardest to clean. I always say if it sounds to good to be true its probably :bull:
Works fine in caplocks but no good for flintlocks unless you use a duplex load. First 10 grains BP the rest substitute. Good at the range if you just want to get rid of it. Stuff is very clean burning I will say that. Recommand the FFFg size.
Back when it came out, several people tested it and liked it a lot. It is not as powerful as Goex, so you have to shoot heavier loads to get the same velocity. Most of us would not be worried about that at all. Then a year or so later, there was a rash of reports of clumped in the can, will not ignite right anymore, extremely inconsistant after being stored for a year, and such comments. That and the price kept a lot of folks away. I am one of them. At around 30$ a pound, I could not afford it anyway. My fathers friend uses it but he is the only person I know of actually shooting it anymore. Hopefully someone with several years of experience using it will chime in.
They said without cleaning. They didn't say anything about wiping between shots. I doubt they fired 5000 shots without swabbing.

I haven't tried it yet, even after picking up a couple of jugs based on reports from a hunting bud. He's used it a long time and reports compleat satisfaction.

I gotta say that the clean burning claims are true from what I've seen. After shooting quite a while the bore still looks like one a centerfire rifle that's been fired once or twice--- with no swabbing between shots.

Can't imagine going 5000 rounds without cleaning, much less one day without cleaning. But if they were doing it to prove their point about clean burning, I sure haven't seen a barrel yet that will contradict them. And based on what I've seen, I doubt they would have had any reason to swab.
I tried some in a Civil War rifle. The results were terrible. I would not buy any more of the stuff. It was weak, hard to fire even with a musket cap. As for cleaning with water it made a mess. :thumbsup:
I've shot a bunch of it and never had any problems. Clean shooting and easy clean up. Well clean up for me is the same no matter if I use T7,Goex or APP.
I works well in cartridges and shotshells too!
Good velocity and cut my charge by 10% thus saving powder in my cap locks.
The only reason I switched to Goex was it was cheaper per pound for me.
I'd say if GOEX is hard to come by up your way to try APP if it is avaliable.
Sounds like a 'hung-jury'!

Probably worth a try, but $30 a pop is a little discouraging. Thanks for the input.
They certainly don't mention it maybe for a reason.Maybe they did it after every shot or
every 50th shot. Or as their advertisement would
let you believe,nothing went in that barrel but
pioneer powder and lead for 5000 shots.
That is certainly what they imply in their adds.
Dawg, Think about it we are not talking about
50shots or even 500,but 5000
Unless they found a way to fire Mr Clean I think
their assertions are:bull::bull:If you find out
different in a couple years after shooting 5000rounds,be sure and report back.
You will see, that this company is headquarters is where I live Boca Raton, FL. I did some research on this powder a couple years back.

Produced in Colorado, and ships out of Arkansas :hmm:

They are claiming now 10,000 shots without cleaning! What so some folks can feed their laziness!

This whole thing seems like a fishing story.

Seems companies like this are always trying to improve something that is not even needed.

They try to make it relate to Pioneers, and such.

Marketing folks, it's all marketing!

I will stick with what works for sure, every time!

The only guns I know that don't get damaged by NOT cleaning them are the highly specialized .22 Target Rifle Barrels used by serious competitive shooter, who actually find that their rifles shoot tighter groups when the barrel's grooves are filled with a coating of lead and the outside lube that is used on target bullets. At most, these target shooters will run a string looped around a cleaning patch, DRY- through the barrel to remove powder residue from the barrel after each shooting session. They do oil and clean the actions, and check the screws for tightness, and I have met some shooters who have a small chamber brush to clean JUST the chamber of the barrel, But most don't even want to do this.

I don't fail to clean any of my smokeless powder guns much less let them go for 5000 rounds. I once fired more than 200 rounds through my .45 Colt Auto one day, and was expecting to fire the same the next day. I cleaned the gun even though I had been up for more than 20 hours at that point. The next day, my gun went on shooting without a hitch, while another student in the class, who had not cleaned his .45 suffered stoppages, stove-pipes, failures to feed, etc., until an assistant instructor in the course loaned him his gun to use while he took the student's gun back to his truck and cleaned it. After the cleaning, the gun worked fine.

I consider Semi-auto pistols to be the acid test for cleaning and functioning issues. I consider black powder revolvers to be the acid test for cleaning and functioning issues in our sport. With 5 or 6 shots being fired before you get back to where you can clean the gun, you learn very quickly just how much neglect a gun can take before it starts to hick-up.

I agree with the sentiment that this marketing department B.S. :bull: And its always obvious that the pinheads that are in charge of marketing have never fired a Black Powder firearm, and have never talked to BP shooters when they come up with " solutions " to problems that should never exist. As I understand it, Pioneer Powder was originally brought out for use in the Black Powder cartridge Cowboy Action Shooting( CAS) matches. Most of those folks just want to shoot a lot of times, often. They come to the sport with modern revolvers and smokeless powder loads. Most end up reloading their ammo. Pioneer was brought out so they could meter it through their powder droppers on their reloading presses, and qualify for shooting in the Black Powder cartridge sections, where there were few competitors, and prizes that went unrewarded. The shooters didn't want to deal with the demands of black powder, as if having a jar of water and soap handy with a rag or two to wash and wipe off the cylinder pins, the cylinger face, and the back of the barrel was such a burden. Oh, and occasionally running a wet patch down the barrel!

I base these comments on observations I made when I saw a CAS demonstration and someone actually used a ROA revolver to shoot the match. He had a peanut butter jar with soap and water in it, a cleaning rod, some patches and 2 towels- one for the gun and one for his hands- and a toothbrush, quickly cleaned his gun between loadings, to a very large audience of shooters who apparently had never seen a BP gun cleaned! I was listening and watching his audience, and not concentrating on what he was doing. I had to walk away before I said something I should not to some of that audience. " Lazy " would have been the kindest word I would have used.
I've tried APP ffg and was not impressed. I gave it the "how many shots before swabing" test and I made it to ten shots. I didn't feel the power on equivilent loads either. But that's just the experience I had with it.

Guess it comes down to what powder works best for you. Some like 777, pyrodex, or just real BP. The $30 price sounds a little stiff to me. If I was to spend that much per pound, I'd go Black Mag3.

IMO every ML has it's own prescription for types of powder and bullets. Doesn't hurt to experiment to find what's right for you. Just have fun in the process.

So drop that hammer and let'er smoke!
It shouldn't go bad if it's cared for properly
it turned to solid lumps in the container while in my waterproof shooting box. i'll stick to the real deal, goex 3f. just my .02

I read a posting from someone, possible the Mad Monk, who looked into this and it was apparently true, but under VERY TIGHTLY CONTROLLED temperature and humidity conditions in a lab. I can't remember anything about wiping between shots.

I still call "heifer dust" when we're talking about the real world, and that's not taking deterioration in storage into consideration.

i read some where that the charcoal is made from
orange peel, dont no how true that is but wot i remember is the guy did not like it said it was not worth the money.
bernie :thumbsup:
Mule Brain said:
They are claiming now 10,000 shots without cleaning!
Mule Brain,
:rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:I guess if I started
shooting the day I was born,I would never of had to
clean a gun,the rest of my life.
You know what is really weird,I enjoy cleaning
my guns,as much as I do shooting them. I would
hate to wait until I shot 10,000 rounds to experience that enjoyment.
10,000rounds without cleaning is:bull:IMHO

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