Pistol from scratch

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58 Cal.
Jun 19, 2003
Reaction score
I've put together a rifle and a few pistols from a kit but now I would like to put together a pistol from scratch. My metal and wood working skills are limited so I'm looking for the simplest possible design. It can be either sidelock or in-line percussion or maybe under-hammer or mule-ear. Where can I get the best price on parts and other neccessities? I've also thought about scaveging from an old rifle.

Thanks in advance for the advise and help.

HI, I sort of built a scratch built pistol for a friend. You see he had this kit for a long time, asked another builder to put it together for him. He had it a while, all it did was collect dust at his place. He forwarded the pistol to me. I accepted the challenge, and I worked at it part time nights after work.Well(there's always a well with a story) I made a bad mistake with a forestock scraper for the moulding and had to replace it. I ordered a blank from TROW. Spent a considerable amount of time inleting the parts that were already done on the other stock he got restless and upset and shortly after I returned it to him. I learned that the worst part of building a pistol is holding it securely so you can work on it. If it has a butt cap they're a pain to install. As you know a pistol has all the same components as a rifle , smaller, and all cramed into a compact area. You probably already know all this. It seems that the vice always gets in the way, you cant seem to hold it at the angle the way you want the curve of the pistol grip gets in the way. And after saying all this I too will be regretting a pistol project in the near future I have all the parts... I hope this dosen't discourage you any, because a project saw through to it's completion is really the true reward. Good luck
Sorry Don, I just reread you question, I guess I didn't answer you post. I have purchased parts from TRACK OF THE WOLF from Minn. 763-633-2500,they have a great catalog also from MUZZLELOADERS BUILDERS SUPPLY from Ark. 479-292-8866 also a great catalog , I have purchased a pistol barrel from Vernon Davis from Ohio 614-7612-2568. I have purchased some limited small items from GOLDEN AGE ARMS ALSO FROM Ohio 740-747-2488. KENNEDY FIREARMS from Pa. 717-546-6695 although he mostly sells kits he might sell parts piecemeal. If you don't already have a builders book, I would recommend The GUNSMITH OF GREENVILLE COUNTY by Pete Alexander through Scurlock Publishing from Tx. 903-832-4726. All of these suppliers deal almost entirely with the traditional side lock of flint or precussion for a mule ear or un underhammer your preaty much on your own. Also you might want a few pictures of orginal pistols to compare and to guid you and the people from these suppliers can better guide you. I hope this time I did answer your question.

Wishing you good luck and a successful project
George F.
A little first scratch built smoothbore pistol I did several decades ago. Barrel made from a brass valve stem, indexed in the vertical, then drilled and lapped on drill press.

Wood was shaped from a block of maple, layout work is critical to assure things come together in some sense of order and proportion

It was not that hard, but, I hope I have improved over the years, for I made more than a few mistakes on that first one out the gate.
