I decided to get a target to use for single-shot dueling pistol competition. Before I go any further, the videos below show unmentionable firearms. It's not my intent to promote these devices or violate the TOS. So apologies are given in advance.
The purpose of the videos is to show how the target reacts, functions and is reset. I could not find any videos using blackpowder firearms. So I am asking the reader to focus on how the target works.
This is what I envision: Instead of unmentionable firearms, the two contestants will use flintlock pistols and stand several feet apart facing the target. Their pistols will be in their hands at the "low ready" and pointed safely down range.
In a traditional duel the antagonists will step off ten paces each for a distance of 20 paces. They will be commanded to turn. All this is done in a real duel but not here as they are already facing the targets.
To add a little realism both antagonists will be asked if there is anyway that they can reconcile their differences. The Seconds, should be behind the antagonists with a box of kleenex for the loser. Soon-to-be-grieving "widows" may choose to weep at this point.
I forgot to mention that bets should have already been placed before the start of this serious affair. So if one of the duelers knows that there is a lot of money riding on him he may wish to look for a quick exit should he lose.
The target will be twenty yards downrange. At the command "READY" they may cock their pistols. The interval between commands should be given slowly. This is primarily for safety but that's also the way I saw it in the movies. So Hollywood can't be wrong.
Anyway they cock their pistols at the command of "READY" and set their triggers if not already accomplished. Please note that there are some target pistols with set triggers and rules can be modified as needed to permit or prohibit their use.
At the command "AIM" both shooters will point their pistols at the target. Remember that the command should not be given too quickly so both men can take careful aim.
At the command of "FIRE" the participants may discharge their pistols at the target at their leisure.
If neither person hits the target the weapons are reloaded and the process started again. Note how the rope resets the target in the video.
At this juncture, if one or both has lost his nerve for the contest, the seconds may act in their stead. On the other hand, the weeping widows may wish to try their skills if their husbands chicken out.
Have I left anything out? Do you think that could be a lot of fun with flintlock pistols?
This is where I purchased the target. If you are a veteran, you can call them for a discount code.