Well, pregnant idea number 83-2005 is up for comment.
Today I cleaned a spot of blueing away and soft soldered my sterling silver front sight on about 3/4 of an inch back from the muzzle.
I had purchased a small rear sight with the intention of cutting a dovetail about 1 inch forward of the breech.
I still might do that, but a thought crept into my head.
The rear tang screw currently has a rounded surface on top of the head. This surface is flush with the barrel at the outside diameter of the head, but the middle is about .030 higher than the surface of the tang.
When the screw is tight, the screw slot is pointing right at the front sight. It actually makes a very unobtrusive little rear sight all by itself. In fact, it's hard to notice until you start to aim and then the notch becomes quite appearent.
I'm know that most pistols front sights are higher than the rear sight because of the light weight of the gun permits a lot of recoil before the bullet/ball exits the bore.
This pistol is a .40 caliber gun with a light 3/4 inch X 9 1/2 long octagon barrel. Do you think a front sight that's about 3/16 high will work?
Remembering that I'm a aim to the point of impact shooter, how low do you think I'll have to file the front sight to get it to zero at 25 yards?
Today I cleaned a spot of blueing away and soft soldered my sterling silver front sight on about 3/4 of an inch back from the muzzle.
I had purchased a small rear sight with the intention of cutting a dovetail about 1 inch forward of the breech.
I still might do that, but a thought crept into my head.
The rear tang screw currently has a rounded surface on top of the head. This surface is flush with the barrel at the outside diameter of the head, but the middle is about .030 higher than the surface of the tang.
When the screw is tight, the screw slot is pointing right at the front sight. It actually makes a very unobtrusive little rear sight all by itself. In fact, it's hard to notice until you start to aim and then the notch becomes quite appearent.
I'm know that most pistols front sights are higher than the rear sight because of the light weight of the gun permits a lot of recoil before the bullet/ball exits the bore.
This pistol is a .40 caliber gun with a light 3/4 inch X 9 1/2 long octagon barrel. Do you think a front sight that's about 3/16 high will work?
Remembering that I'm a aim to the point of impact shooter, how low do you think I'll have to file the front sight to get it to zero at 25 yards?