Another interesting point of artisan caricature to the shotgun is the spelling of P I T T B U R G H. Very commonly, people NOT from the area misspell Pittsburgh, by leaving the H off the end. This lost the 'S' from the middle. Leaves a search for????? Just a mistake, laziness, trying to hurry to finish? Or is it the makers mark, so to speak. Sometimes an artists' mark or signature of their work may be created by a mistake. For example, John De Gunmaker starts to engrave when he realizes he made Jon and forgot the 'H'. So he decides to extend the straight left side of the 'n' upward to create the 'h' and adds the 'n'. But, now notices the small tail/tag to the left, half way up the left side of the 'h'. Now, he can widen the letters for uniformity, or, leave the little tag as his distinctive mark of HIS signature on all his works. Just a thought for something to think on and maybe research as to why Pittburgh has NO 'S'. Regardless, you have a very unique piece. :v