Please help identify this crude kit rifle.

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I'm gonna try to polish this sows ear. I tried to shape the trigger guard and it broke where it had one of the 4 off center screw holes drilled. I may just get some 3/8 x 1/8" flat steel and make my own trigger Guard. Thinking of making it a half stock as the wood is extremely thin after the spot where the first band is. I don't want to sink a ton of money into this thing, just get it functional, and more finished looking. At least so it's not embarrassing to pull out in front of my buddies at the range.
I was given a similar project by the widow of a very good friend. He was rebuilding a parts gun and had no worked on it for10 years before his passing. I am attempting to finish it in his honor. Very slow go. Good luck.
Picked this up in trade a few years back. I literally have nothing into it. It has a 42" 50 cal. 7/8" barrel. The barrel and lock are both unmarked that I can tell. It is a pretty poorly put together kit. I hope to get a new piece of wood and start over completely. At this point I figure I have a barrel and a cheap lock and a few pieces of crude furniture. Probably do a barrel wedge, or pin it to the stock, and ditch the barrel bands. I really don't care if it looks authentic. I just want to make it functional. My guess this is something thrown together back in the heyday at DGW as a kit, but nothing really matches up, and barely functions without lots of work.
Worked on it some today, made up some screw escuthcheons from old 38 special cartridges. Re-inlet the trigger mechanism , and working on fitting screws to hold everything together. I picked up a short section of 1/4" galvanized pipe to make ramrod pipes. Need to find an appropriate piece of scrap for an under barrel lug. More pics to follow. This will not be a pretty rifle to anyone but myself. But hopefully it shoots when I get it done.


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lets see if we can ID the barrel before you chop it. May be the Hope Diamond in disguise.
I could see the bones of that could be dressed and come out with something better.
You do deserve kudos for what you have done.
There are absolutely no markings on it anywhere . I'm pretty sure it's just an old cheap spanish import, probably made by Jukar.
I felt energetic this morning so after much thinking I decided it's going to be a full stock rifle. However the wood that was on the forend was much too thin to work with. (Barely over 1/8" thick )
Without a proper piece of maple I have reluctantly decided to use a piece of fir handrail for the forend. Going to join the 2 pieces similar to the old CVA kits minus the brass spacer.
I carefully chopped the end off after inletting the fir for the barrel channel. The 2 pieces mate up rather well. Will pin them, and epoxy them up later. Next is going to be figuring out what I want to use for sights, and barrel tennons. I've never cut dovetails before so I'm a little apprehensive about doing them.
I'm also taking suggestions on any ideas for a source for something that can be used for a nosecap. Ive thought about getting a large copper pipe cap, but they're not cheap or easy to find anymore.


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get some pewter and pour your nose cap. this whole project is a learning experience so just go for it!
what have you planned for the ramrod channel?
Now you did it, you got me eyeballing this at the local junk shop


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Started making the barrel tennons today from 3/8 x 1" bar stock. A bit crude and some file work still needed , but they'll get the job done


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And the front sight is made,(and mounted) found a perfect donor for the brass at the local H4H store. Much cheaper than a sheet of brass from the hobby store. My soldering skills aren't the best, and it took a few tries to get it , and it still ain't perfect, but if it breaks I know how to fix it.


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It's coming along, the underbarrel tennons have been installed, and pinned. The ramrod thimbles are now installed (only one was installed at the time of the pucture.). I was growing antsy and decided to throw a little stain on it , just mixed a couple different colors I had on hand leftover into a pint jar amd mix them together. It is actually a lit darker than this photo shows. This was the last of the afternoon sun as it dipped below my roof line
There's still work to be done, and I probably end up sanding some of it off. I'm not thrilled with the joint between the 2 pieces, and I may install a brass plate like the CVA/ Traditions , or I may cover ithe joint with some rawhide to make it look like a field repair was done.


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Not sure how critical it is, but the cutout in the lock, under the drum looks really unsupportive. My factory Woodsman drum rests on the lock cutout. I also have a kit rifle where it does not quite touch but is very close. It does work fine. The post thinking it was formerly a flintlock seems appropriate. SW
Not sure how critical it is, but the cutout in the lock, under the drum looks really unsupportive. My factory Woodsman drum rests on the lock cutout. I also have a kit rifle where it does not quite touch but is very close. It does work fine. The post thinking it was formerly a flintlock seems appropriate. SW
Yeah, I'm heavily thinking about finding a new/different lock for this. But in reality, I'm probably going to shoot it a few dozen times and then relegate it to wallhanger status. Maybe take it to living history events. It is pretty cool with its 42" barrel.unlessbI can find a lock withbthe same plate, I'll probably have to just glue in a plug to fill all the holes and re-inlet the new lock.
Since you are already into it for fun Hank, maybe you could weld an addition of steel, of the same thickness, at the drum location, reshape it to fit properly and then blacken it. Your possibilities are endless and you have zero to lose except the value of your time. If you are enjoying it, go for it. The Spaniards almost always shoot really well and it could be a great hunting rifle for rough handling/bad weather etc.
And like I said, the really nice kit rifle I bought from a member functions just fine without being fully supported by the lock. There is about a 1/64" gap around it. If that poses a problem over time it would be appreciated if a wiser member could chime in on that. SW

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