No new gunstock comes with a magic wand. Wood has to be worked on , to make it into something usable , and interesting. I'm in the middle of one right now. Unfixable knot right at the entry thimble....Since the fore stock was broken off due to the knot , I spliced a new walnut fore stock , and inlet the barrel into the new piece of wood. Had to fix the fore stock to gain an incredible , once in a lifetime , walnut burl , butt stock. I'm learning patience just now , due to a year's go round with the the chinese flu.. I did get a couple hours to install the forend cap. Almost ready to finish shaving , and rasping the excess wood from the fore stock. Have to face it ,I enjoy doing near impossible fixes on m/l gun stocks. The reward comes after the stock finish is dry , and the last coat of wax goes on , then to the range. None will know the struggle it took , to accommodate nature's foibles , to gain a thing of beauty.........oldwood