Artificer, sent me this direction to get a feel of what someone would have carried back in the day, it was very helpful. (David Cook Collection)
I agree with Notchy Bob that what we see today are over done. I am as guilty as they come. I wanted a "fancy smancy" bag to go along with my "fancy smancy" new TVM, so with that being said it is a matter of personal preference. To each his own. However, I am going to try and make one modeled after the little squirrel bag I got from Mr. Cutfingers for when I am playing "Cowboys and Indians". I believe that most bags were as straight forward as they come plain and simple...practical.
I agree with Notchy Bob that what we see today are over done. I am as guilty as they come. I wanted a "fancy smancy" bag to go along with my "fancy smancy" new TVM, so with that being said it is a matter of personal preference. To each his own. However, I am going to try and make one modeled after the little squirrel bag I got from Mr. Cutfingers for when I am playing "Cowboys and Indians". I believe that most bags were as straight forward as they come plain and simple...practical.