Powder Coated R.E.A.L Bullets

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I wipe between shots for pretty much every shot regardless of the projectile. It gives better accuracy and consistency. The exception is if I'm using water/dish soap or spit for lube in a situation where im shooting continuously like in a match or trail walk.

I've never understood the desire to shoot as many shots as possible without wiping but to each his own.

If you shot North South Skirmish competition where it's about speed AND accuracy, you'd understand why we strive to be able to shoot minies without wiping. On a relaxed round ball woods walk, you have time to pretty much completely clean between shots if you so desire.

Back to powder coating, I've tried it. There was no increase or decrease in accuracy and my fouling situation in regards to no wiping also had no change. So I view powder coating for my purpose to be an unnecessary step.
With lubed R.E.A.L. bullets, I am not sure if "softening" of fouling even is possible. Since the bullet fits the bore on the bottom band and slightly gets to oversize on the following bands, it gets engraved as it gets pushed down the bore. I because of the tightness, the bullet scrapes any fowling off as it travels down the bore. There might be a little softening going on due to the pre-lubed wonderwad that sits on top of the powder, but it the softening would have to go pretty fast, since the wad and bullet gets pushed down the bore quickly. The powdercoat acts like a lube and I have recovered bullets shot with my other guns. The bullets are perfectly engraved into the powder coat and no leading occurs. I pushed them up to 2500 ft/sec. I will attempt to make a 20 shot experiment with my "un-lubed" powder coated bullets and no cleaning or scrubbing in between shots.
The softening of the residue happens during the shot when the lube disperses and mixes with the fouling making it like a very heavy peanut butter consistency if the proper lube and amount of it is used. Then, the next loading of the REAL bullet easily scrapes the softened mixture. The felt wad others mentioned is to protect the base or bottom band of the bullet from heat and gas cutting which will impart some degree of yaw to the rotation of the slug as it leaves the muzzle. My 50's and 54's all do siginificantly better with oxyoke wads under the bore buttered REAL slugs.
If you shot North South Skirmish competition where it's about speed AND accuracy, you'd understand why we strive to be able to shoot minies without wiping. On a relaxed round ball woods walk, you have time to pretty much completely clean between shots if you so desire.

Back to powder coating, I've tried it. There was no increase or decrease in accuracy and my fouling situation in regards to no wiping also had no change. So I view powder coating for my purpose to be an unnecessary step.

I understand the distinction between speed and accuracy. Note that i clearly stated that i sometimes employ loading methods that eliminate wiping. It's more for convenience than improved accuracy. Your skirmish shoots bear similarity to stake shoots that require both speed and accuracy.

As to the PC, my own experiments bear out what you have found. OTOH, I was never looking for better accuracy but rather whether or not it would harm accuracy (still undecided). Nor was I concerned with powder fouling characteristics. I was looking to mitigate leading.
I understand the distinction between speed and accuracy. Note that i clearly stated that i sometimes employ loading methods that eliminate wiping. It's more for convenience than improved accuracy. Your skirmish shoots bear similarity to stake shoots that require both speed and accuracy.

As to the PC, my own experiments bear out what you have found. OTOH, I was never looking for better accuracy but rather whether or not it would harm accuracy (still undecided). Nor was I concerned with powder fouling characteristics. I was looking to mitigate leading.
There is absolutely no leading that I've seen. The powder coat forms a very tough skin that I have seen it still retains even after a violent trip down the bore. There is no burn thru on the base either as witnessed on numerous recovered slugs.

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