powder drum touch hole liner

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45 Cal.
May 29, 2005
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I have a 50 cal. 7/8" straight octogon , barrel I am wondering about the thread depth, seems only 3-4 threads, doesnt seem like a lot to me. maybe use loctite? low powder charge? I have both a perc. and flint lock that I am using in the gun I am building. will not likley be switching back and forth, pretty sure I will end up using the flintlock. have even considered solder? Not close to shooting it yet, just thinking. thanks, chuck-ia
The 7/8ths 50 caliber wall thickness is okay for a correctly installed flintlock touch-hole liner but NOT a percussion drum in my opinion. When I made a percussion rifle from a 7/8ths inch .50 barrel I always made and extra-long breech plug and drilled a communication hole in the end so the drum would screw through the barrel wall and into the breech-plug to intersect the communication hole. Much safer in my opinion.

The short thread engagement of a 7/8ths .50 barrel will not hold up to screwing a drum in and out repeatedly. So, I would build it as flint only and not worry about a drum blowing out the side. When I used a 7/8ths .50 barrel, I always used a White Lightning liner and blue Loctite and made sure it didn't protrude into the barrel to snag a cleaning patch.

The 7/8ths 50 caliber wall thickness is okay for a correctly installed flintlock touch-hole liner but NOT a percussion drum in my opinion. When I made a percussion rifle from a 7/8ths inch .50 barrel I always made and extra-long breech plug and drilled a communication hole in the end so the drum would screw through the barrel wall and into the breech-plug to intersect the communication hole. Much safer in my opinion.

The short thread engagement of a 7/8ths .50 barrel will not hold up to screwing a drum in and out repeatedly. So, I would build it as flint only and not worry about a drum blowing out the side. When I used a 7/8ths .50 barrel, I always used a White Lightning liner and blue Loctite and made sure it didn't protrude into the barrel to snag a cleaning patch.

thank you , chuck

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