Hi fellas,
I really appreciate the nice comments and thoughts about this horn. I am happy it's got a great home to go to and will be used with the owner's newly arrived .36 Kibler SMR.
Naturally there are things that I see in it that I could have done a better job with- each horn is a learning adventure. I really had no pre-conceived idea of how I would be decorating this one and it just evolved one step at a time. I am sure that having a finished horn to copy would be so much easier to do (designing a new horn takes literally hours and hours of work for me), but I don't like copying other's creations so much as making my own. The cool part of horn making for me is that it's an adventure, not knowing exactly what it will finish-up looking like. Thats the uniqueness of these as art forms. Folk-art, really. I love it.