powder horn

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40 Cal.
Sep 18, 2005
Reaction score
OK my first powder horn came in today, looks very good from what I see. I am thinking about putting one of those metered brass tips on the end tho.



I would advise against attaching any kind of measure to the powder horn. The valves in them collect dust, and finally don't close off the powder well at all. Without constant cleaning, the valve can prove as dangerous as dropping a match into an open horn. Most rules require you to pour your powder from a storage container( like your horn) into a SEPARATE measure. This if for safety sakes, yours, and anyone standing around you.

Just make a better plug for the horn, and then consider doing some scrimshaw artwork on it, and it will serve you well. Buy a separate powder measure, like the adjustable one from Tedd Cash products with the funnel attached to it. I have one like it for more than 25 years, and it has served me very well.
Hey Ed

It looks very similar to my first powder horn that I got when I was a young lad.

From my experience, these horns are usually not very well sealed at the base plug.
You can test for air leaks by trying to blow through your horn, or by holding it under water and checking for escaping air bubbles.
If you want to seal it, here's how: Get the base of your horn warm enough to soften the wax when it comes in contact with the horn.
I have used the burner plate of my stove for this.
Take your chunk of wax and rub it across the joint where the horn and plug meet making sure to push as much wax down into the nooks and crannies
using a rag to wipe away the excess wax.
Continue forcing wax into that gap until you can't get any air flow through the horn.
As long as your horn is heated, it's also not a bad idea to rub wax on your horn and base plug to give it a bit of a shine and also give it a little extra water repellancy.

Have fun with your new horn

Iain (a guy who builds powder horns)
ahh you are so very correct. There's alot of leaks around the plug. I think i'll use this as a decoration thing and buy me a kit and do a revolutionary war style.

Claude said:
Brasilikilt said:
I'd be happy to put together a kit for you

Unless you are providing free kits, please remember that we do not allow selling or advertising on the Forum.

And that's a dang shame too. There are so many talented, knowlegable people here on this forum that could do work for, build and otherwise help each other out with their skills and we can't engauge in "business" because ya'll just won't get a "classifieds" sections up and running. I was looking for someone to build a rifle for me in trade(not even trying to sell anything, just trade) and got deleted. Please, consider setting up somekind of place for us to do business, these are some good people here and we need to be able to buy, sell and trade with each other. :hmm: :v
Is there some sort of liability risk for the forum, or is there some government regulation that prevents any bartering and advertising here? I agree about the talent and the expertise that could be shared between all forum members. Not everyone just wants to talk and read about each others handiwork. Maybe you could let us all know so we could see your side of this. With all due respect, just like to know.
As long as a disclaimer is presented at the beginning of the "Classifieds" section it should exsempt the forum from any responsibility or liability from dealings done thru the forum. It would pretty much be between the two people doing the swap or sale, not the fourm or anyone connected with the forum.
I do understand if the Mods are afraid that the forum would turn into one big, fat swap meet, I wouldn't want that either. But if you see a builder who posts a rifle that you like and you'd want him to build you one you should have the option to ask him or if you have a service to offer, say you build powder horns or possible bags, you should be able to let people know that you can do the service for them without having your post deleted.
Please, don't take my coments as negitive, I love this place and don't want to cause trouble, it's just that I really wish we had a place to buy, sell and trade. :v
well here's the truth. I have been attempting work on a stock doing the full inletting thing and I destroyed the stock :( I was very tempted to make a post here asking who would be willing to do the inletting for me but from what I see now it would have been a nono.

From this a classified or something like that would be a good thing.

Inletting the lock and fitting the butt plate are two things that stop me from trying to build a rifle myself. It's one thing for me to take a gun that's already built and take it apart to fix or modify it but danged if I can see how they inlet the lock as well as they do. Guess they're so pretty talented people on the forum, much more so then I. :bow:
I've never been on a forum before that didn't have classifieds or prevented members from dealing with each other. Course I've never been on another forum as strict on everything as this one is either. Not complaining mind you just stating fact.
I guess we are not worthy of an explanation. I see that most of you agree with a need for a classiied listing. Must be too much trouble.
Here's where I've been posting my adds, it's free, caters to traditional people like us and is easy to use. [url] http://www.historicaltrekking.com/blanket.shtml[/url]
Hope I don't get into trouble for posting this link, it's only to help those of us out that have stuff to sell or swap or a service to barter. :hmm:
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shantheman said:
Is there some sort of liability risk for the forum, or is there some government regulation that prevents any bartering and advertising here?

No and the explanation for the lack of Classifieds is still in the "Using the Forum" section for everyone to read.
TN.Frank said:
Here's where I've been posting my adds, it's free, caters to traditional people like us and is easy to use.
Hope I don't get into trouble for posting this link, it's only to help those of us out that have stuff to sell or swap or a service to barter. :hmm:

Please reread the Forum rules regarding the posting of links to other muzzleloading boards and items for sale.
TN.Frank said:
...and we can't engauge in "business" because ya'll just won't get a "classifieds" sections up and running.

It's not as simple as me just not providing you with free classifieds for your business. Please read the explanation in the "Using the Forum" section.

Have you considered purchasing a banner ad on the Forum to both promote your business and help the Forum?
See, that's just the thing. You won't let us post things for sale here but you also won't let us post a link to a Trade Blaknet or other site where we CAN post things for sale. If you won't let us sell here at least let us post links to other sites were we can post things for sale. Also, I don't have a business, but if I have a rifle or knife or horn I'd like to sell it'd be nice if I could do business with the good folks here instead of going to a "forgine" site to do business. Like I've said, not trying to get anyones hackels up or get banned from the site, just have some honest questions. I'll give the forum rules another read, thanks. :thumbsup:

"Ӣ Do not place "Selling" or "Wanted" ads in the Forum. We have Free Classified ads for this purpose." No we don't. I understand, you want to "do it right" but how long is it going to take to get the small amount of software to do it right? [url] TN.Deer.com[/url] has a classifieds that has "dated" adds that drop off after so many days, if they can do it I'm sure ya'll can come up with something. PLEASE. :hmm:
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TN.Frank said:
"Ӣ Do not place "Selling" or "Wanted" ads in the Forum. We have Free Classified ads for this purpose." No we don't.

The rules have been edited to reflect the fact that we do not have classifieds. Thanks for pointing that out.

TN.Frank said:
I understand, you want to "do it right" but how long is it going to take to get the small amount of software to do it right?[url] TN.Deer.com[/url] has a classifieds that has "dated" adds that drop off after so many days, if they can do it I'm sure ya'll can come up with something. PLEASE. :hmm:

I have the software, but my reasoning for not implementing it yet is not up for public discussion. I have given an explanation in the "Using the Forum" section and that will have to do.

Please keep in mind that there are many things that this site does not offer. This site is offered to you "as is". You, as the user, are free to make your own judgement as to it's value, but I make no apologies for not being all things to all people.
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