As long as a disclaimer is presented at the beginning of the "Classifieds" section it should exsempt the forum from any responsibility or liability from dealings done thru the forum. It would pretty much be between the two people doing the swap or sale, not the fourm or anyone connected with the forum.
I do understand if the Mods are afraid that the forum would turn into one big, fat swap meet, I wouldn't want that either. But if you see a builder who posts a rifle that you like and you'd want him to build you one you should have the option to ask him or if you have a service to offer, say you build powder horns or possible bags, you should be able to let people know that you can do the service for them without having your post deleted.
Please, don't take my coments as negitive, I love this place and don't want to cause trouble, it's just that I really wish we had a place to buy, sell and trade. :v