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Many Muzzleloading shops and Auto supply stores have a threaded pastic screw on spout that will fit Goex cans. Snip the end amd put the spout on the can, insert into the small opening of the horn and squeeze, the can it will fill the horn quickey abd without any mess.
soggy said:
I have been shooting bp for about 6 mo. now and i have a really silly question. HOW IN THE WORLD DO YOU GET POWDER IN YOUR HORN??? That litle hole in the small end is barely big enough to see let alone try and poke powder in. I fight it all the time and always get more on the ground than in the horn. HELP.
This is what I use. Soldered these rifle cases to the top of a goex can. The one on the left is .243 cal, the other is .223. Either one works well


Tee hee. Must be from the same source as my priming flasks. :wink:

My horn has a screw in plug on the bottom for pouring the powder in but I don't use it. I just stick the pointed part in the can and turn it up while keeping them together and fill it up; turn it to the side when it's full and stick the plug back in.
Huntin Dawg said:
Next time you go to the doctor ask him/her for a couple of those thingies they put on their scope to look in your ear. They are perfect little funnels for such a job.

I think the thing is called a speculum for an otoscope. Be advised that they come in several different sizes, some of which may be too wide to fit your horn, or too narrow to let some coarsenesses of powder through.

Great idea, HD!
War Eagle! Dang I like sayin that! My horns have 1/4 inch holes in them and those funnels like have been shown and mentioned here work fine. Also the "fold a piece of paper in half works great too. Where'd ya get that screenname?
:rotf: I was just thinking about this too. My grandpa bought me a horn and I could never figure out how to get powder into it. I figured he had wound up getting a "souvenir horn" or something. But wow it all makes sense now. :surrender:
Same problem I had :cursing:
Pick-up a 17 hmr or 17 remington casing from the range and let your imagination run wild :wink:
Works for me and will also fill your priming horn, quite nicely!
Thieve one of the wife's small kitchen funnels, a bit of painter's easy off tape, and viola.

you could get one of these from Dixie Gun Works ..., I did .,drill a hole in the big wooden plug on the fat end of your horn and instal a brass plug..., then buy a brass funnel also from dixie that fits it Dixie Brass Horn Fill-Plug
HarborMaster said:
you could get one of these from Dixie Gun Works ..., I did .,drill a hole in the big wooden plug on the fat end of your horn and instal a brass plug..., then buy a brass funnel also from dixie that fits it Dixie Brass Horn Fill-Plug

True, but but necessity is the mother of invention, and I wanted powder in the horn at the time, haven't seen no need to change since.
If you are using a .223 case, a 9mm cartridge case makes a perfect cap. Cheap and plentyfull

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