Gene L said:
I think volume in a powder measure is based on weight. Grains is a weight measure that's been interpreted into volume. A for example a 50 gr. measure is calibrated on the weight and is adjusted to the size of the measure that will weigh 50 grains.
Well this has been hashed over 100 times,, and your kinda right what you say is/was the original intent.
But it's a global market, powders have changed,, all powders are not the same,, that's a given.
So we can not say, that a volume of 50grns of 2F Goex weighs the same as a volume of 3F Swiss.
(just as example)
I load CF also, and do so for explicit accuracy,
I can-not set my volumetric powder measure to "toss" a load exactly the same each time,,
,,I toss light and trickle up.
Sure, it's an extra step,, but it's the only way I can get a volume toss to "weigh" the same each time.
It's different with our BP arms, 1 or 2 tenths of a grain doesn't matter.
The point is this age old argument of trying to match actual scale weight of Black Powder to a volume measure of Black Powder is mute,, it's not important at all.
What is important is to have a method of measuring the same amount of powder each time for each shot.
How it's measured doesn't matter, consistency does.