Lone Carabiner said:
Is grains both a volume and weight measure?
Could it be that the mearures you are using were calibrated with 3 or 4f powder?
NO,NO,and NO. We went over this on a Cowboy action shooting forum a few years back. Some guy even went so far as to say there was a "grains volume" and a "grains weight" and that they weren't the same. I finally got an e-mail from the people at Pyrodex that set him straight on the matter. The only reason we use a measure(or meter if you like) instead of a scale to weight out out powder in the field is because it much more handy. A powder measure, in theory, should thrown the same weight powder charge, in grains, that it says it should on the little scale on the measure. A lack and a lass, because of mass production, ect. most are not even close. Grains is a unit of weight, not of volume BUT a given volume can be set up to throw the same weight, in grains, of powder each and every time, or at least close enough to use in a black powder firearm. :v