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40 Cal.
Feb 10, 2007
Reaction score
Today i did get the powder i order. I order FFF , but did get VANO PP. I understand that P and F is the same.But could i use PP in my Trapper 45 cal pistol? or should i send it back. I did call the company that sold me the powder, and he said that it should work just fine. Shall i keep the PP?.
Hi from GE,

I use WANO PP also for cal. 45 Pistol (Tower) and rifle (GPR). Further more I use it for .50 and .54 rifles. For use in .45 Trapper pistol you should take about 25-30 grs, perhaps a wad. Works really fine. Do you shoot PRB or Maxiball?
I shoot both roundballs and Lee REAL bullet. I did use Swiss NO 1 before, with good results. Now i have oppened the flask, so i have to use it. The REAL bullet is heavy so the PP might work. What do you think?.
I think it will work pretty well. When using a REAL bullet you don't need a wad.WANO is much cheaper than Swiss.Give a report.
YOu may not " Need " a wad, Kirrmeister, but protecting the base of your bullet from being melted will always give you better accuracy. Gas is always trying to blow by and around a ball or bullet. Melting or burning an bottom edge will allow the bullet to exit the muzzle with an uneven release, gases pushing out past the melted or burned portion of the rear edge, pushing the bullet away from that point at the bullet's base. With a protected bullet base, the bullet exits square to the bore, and flies true to where the sights are aimed.
I have tried, with and without wad. And i must say, that it shoots a lot better with wads.Both rounds and REALs.
Hello Germany. I have been shooting Swiss NO.1. And now i have Vano PP. With the Swiss powder, i dont have to clean the barrel betwen shots. Do i have to do that with the Vano PP? With the same volume, the Swiss powder is realy a lot stronger.