In my youth {a long time ago}, lived on a farm in northern Minnesota and the chickens were free ranging and produced very tasty eggs which weren't refrigerated because of no electricity.
Eggs have always been a mainstay in my diet and this has continued to the present
day....eggs "sunny side up" and the whites not too well done are eaten 3 times a week for breakfast.
An old "custom" around here that really doesn't make any sense {to me anyways} is a raw egg yolk in a glass of beer which I first experienced at the age of 15 and never tried again. The local bars always have a bowl of raw eggs. When drinking this concoction, one has to bite the yolk as it goes down and the sensation isn't all that good and totally lacks any flavor.
Lately when cooking, I use hard boiled eggs to add flavor to potato salad, chicken noodle soup, various stews and some other dishes. This came about after watching my son's Spanish wife cook her Spanish dishes....gourmet to say the least.
Easter has always been a pleasant holiday and in lieu of eating chocolate bunnies, I much prefer the decorated hard boiled eggs....even though on some, the dyes have penetrated the shells.
Some of you guys are spoiling my appetite by mentioning salmonella in eggs.....have eaten a lot of eggs seeing I'm 85 and it's one food that has never sickened me.....Fred.... :grin: