You are beginning to sound like a braying MULE, if you get my meaning. SURPRISE! I can chew gum and walk at the same time, too! :cursing:
I began learning to make my own knives when I was barely a teenager. I studied blacksmithing everywhere I could go and observe. I bought my own anvil shortly after finishing law school. I still have a farrier's forge in my garage. I make no claim to being a BLACKSMITH, because I have done only such work as I wanted to do for myself- not others. But, that doesn't mean I don't know something about blacksmithing, or knifemaking. I just have not done that kind of work for a number of years, now. I have several knifemakers as friends, or clients. And I know a couple of active blacksmiths, including a retired U of I Anthropology Professor.
When I pass something on here to help someone, Its something I know first hand, or that I have been able to learn by consulting my many, varied interests friends. If I am not sure of the answer, I give those friends a call to check my facts before writing a post, here.
Sorry if that shakes your tree. :idunno: :thumbsup: