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Rabbits in the snow

Muzzleloading Forum

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10 Ga.

Sep 18, 2022
Reaction score
Hi everyone,

After work today I decided to walk about the homestead looking for rabbits. So far I have been unable to connect with anything while using my original 10Ga double barrel shotgun. I set out into the bitter cold (-1F) for a 30 min walk. This time I was actually able to scare up a rabbit and take a shot. I quickly reloaded with paper cartridges and moved forward into the brush line the the rabbit ran into. I could see the rabbit tracks in the snow and an elongated circular pattern of shot, but I was unable to find any blood. I followed the tracks farther (5 Yards) as night fell. I could then see five almost microscopic drops of blood in the snow. This is where the story goes bad. I followed the tracks hoping to finally make some meat with this old smoothie when the tracks just ended (15yards from shot) They ran in a straight line pointing one direction then just stop. I have hunted rabbits a fair amount with modern equipment but have never had this happen. Any ideas where he could have went? Was he abducted by aliens? This is a little disheartening because there is nothing I hate more than loosing game.

I had this happen with a snowshoe that broke a wire snare and kept going. There were barely discernable imprints of wing tips in the snow where the tracks ended.
There is a resident great horned owl so that is a possibility. I checked for wing prints but didn’t find any. I guess I will just have to keep trying.

Sometimes, rabbits can dart off unexpectedly or find really clever hiding spots. I've had similar experiences with hunting, where the trail suddenly goes cold, and you're left wondering where they could have possibly gone. It's all part of the challenge of hunting, isn't it?