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RC's buck

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70 Cal.
Dec 12, 2005
Reaction score


Way to go RC I'll leave it to you to tell them the story :hatsoff:
...now that's got me excited. Our gun season opens tomorrow here in New York and I'll be out with my front stuffer.

Nice deer. Now smile :)
I debated myself whether or not to post those pic's. Was hoping he would himself but haven't heard a word since he sent the pic's. Hope he's ok...not like RC to disappear like this.

Anyways glad he got one and still waiting to hear the story!
He was around earlier :hmm: If I don't hear from him again I'll post story that he sent me. Might need some editing though. :grin:
Yes sir, terrific buck...the base of those mains sure got some good 'knarly' stuff to rake up a tree just dandy !!
Ah,that is an Adirondack buck. :bow:
Nice, buck RC.Let's hear the story
how you find the way out of the Adirondacks.
Was it the incredible experience of a longhunter of the old days? I hope you were not clean shaving when you start the hunt? :grin:
Swamp Rat said:
:haha: Just checked my email hehe good luck cleaning that up Roy. :rotf:
boy I'm sure glad you boys is payin attention! I just askin my brother he he knew how to "transfer" that story to the mlf.........for those who didn't get the email it was sorta told in "actual" wording.......if ya get my drift...ya know..the way it was....IF I gotta write that over again, this maybe a xmas story.....hey roy, don't ya got a "bleep" button you could use? thanks fer all the backslaps....and the jabs too...that ole CVA penn flinter rifle does pretty well fer me....that's 3 bucks and a coyote in 3 years..if'n roy can't clean it up abit..and seeing that smoothie he just built(that's awesome work Roy!)cleanin up a lil adirondack deer story ought be easy!!!! okay, tryin to get ready fer the openin day of n.y. southern zone on sat..seems brother and his son still don't got one,,dang modern weapons..hehehe :rotf: and lil brother puttin away his bow,and gettin his blackpowder gun out,,,Sat. may be interesting... I'm takin the smoothbore from now on...wish I had it when I seen that adirondack legend...... :hmm: good luck to all of ya! RC yeah somehow the story will come out,,course if'n I rewrite it I may leave some of the unnecessary details out of it.....be better fer me....some things should'nt ought be public knowledge.....
Swamp Rat said:
Glad yer ok RC and grats on the buck! I'm sure that bear greased patch had somethin to do with it. :grin:
gee swampy, be real hard to argue that point!!! :hmm: AND it weren't rancid either...but boy that ole buck was ruttin...big time whew! gruntin,stompin,neck all swelled up,bark in his horns...what an act!dang that was cool!hope it happens to ya all sometime...SOON! :thumbsup: RC
RC wrote
"okay listen to
this...went out to a watch I have up north,been goin there fer 6 years,every
year at least twice a year a doe and her fawn come off this flat on the side
hill down to a fly @ 4:30,always @ 4:30... so went there sunday
afternon,about 4:15 got out my grunt call,did a 3 short then 1 long
sequence,waited about 4-5 minutes,then did about 10 short grunts movin the
call from left to right, like a buck w/ a doe...then sat....at 4.30 about
jumped out'a my skin when a doe started blowin from my right side..and
close, but couldn't see her thru the spruce,she's never come that way
before,and bleep if the wind weren't blowin sorta that direction..not right
too her but to dang close! afore she stopped her blowin,her fawn trotted
thru the path bout 15 ft. from me,she blew a couple more times then split up
on the hill,all I could see was her legs and bottom..and she blew a few more
up there...so I sat,depressed she probably warned any deer in the area,but I
stayed,,she never really goes too far away after she gets thru lettin me
know she's there....soooo, at 4:45 I stood up,gettin a lil dark in the
spruce, and put my seat on,and ditty bag,and heard a branch
snap.........guess on the hill but pretty close,,,,,stood there thinkin
maybe it were her again,,,,then a very serious sounding 1 tone grunt came!
bleep! he's standin right where she was blowin the first time! bleep! he'll
follow her,and I'll never see him.........the I see thru the spruce limbs a
deer.... a horn,,,,he's stopped, lookin out into the fly,,bleep he'll wind
me! bleep if that buck didn't take bout 4 steps straight out into the fly!!
nothin tween us but space! I had the gun already up...(pretty smart huh?)
drew the site right on his front shoulder and
snap,whoosh...............(hangfirer,get it?) ......... .... BANG!
bleep,smoke! smoke clears and see the buck leavin but his butt is racin his
front...(really had to be there I guess).heard what sounded like that last
breath thing deer do and a crash...sounded up the hill.... made my way out
to the shootin area right quick,HAIR....BUT DANG LITTLE... no blood, called
to my brother to come help out,bleep it's gettin dark! lookin,lookin,,about
40 ft. from the hair is a teeny tiny drop of blood,,,check for tracks,about
20 ft. more another t.t. drop.....then...ah gees, a runway....where'd he go?
dang it's gettin dark! lookin lookin,,,nothin,,,,, brother shows
up,flashlites out,start over,hair blood blood runway,,,,bleep! well, now
what? I said,is it suppose to rain? bro' says no....lets wait till mornin
afore we mess up the tracks...good idea.....yea.....LONG NIGHT COMIN! head
back to camp,,,thinkin thinkin,thinkin,,,,,picturin all in my mind, again
and again and again,,,, I KNOW the site was on him! I can see it! what about
the hangfirer? bro asks.. I said most of time I have a hang, I shoot left,
in this case would be further back on the buck...course that's most of the
time....gees did I just wound this thing?? is gonna run off and die? ah
gees.....oh gotta clean the flinter,,,,kill some time...gun gets cleaned,all
gotta do is run some bore lube down it......the bleep jag and ramrod tip come
off the ramrod about 1/2 way up the barrel! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
okay,remain calm.......yeah right...jes get some 4f down the touch hole and
we'll blow it right out....bleep! no 4f! got 3f...yeah, that'll go right
in...sure! tried it once,,,,guess not enough powder,blew right out the
touchhole....do it again,,,yeah..more powder...! okay,this ought do it,
bro' watch the wood block,,,,bang! there it is,bleep! buried right in! had
ta split the log 4 times to get the tip out....then what cha got? a ramrod
tip filled with COMPRESSED wood! okay, move ahead 1/2 hour,,,,all wood is
removed..tip back on,,,,,held with a broke off paneling nail.....(easily
found in the adirondacks...???) guess what? gotta clean the[url] gun.....again[/url]!
(that's okay,we've practiced this!) okay now it's mornin...and you know it
didn't come that fast! back to the spot,,,same hair,same blood,same
runway...apppears buck went UP runway,, not a good sign...look and look fer
blood,nothin! decide to jes keep walkin and lookin,,,walkin and lookin...2
hours nothin! told bro' look we got nothin here to say he went up there fer
sure, lets start over,,back we go, course by now gun and coat are leanin
against a tree on the trail....so anyways,go down runway after second
blood,,holy smokes blood! jes a drop but least we know he went this way,,,on
hands a knees, bout every 10 ft. another drop,,ahhh creek! okay you up one
side I'll go other,,okay got blood, 10ft..blood 10 ft. blood,,,10 ft...wow
blood blood bloodblood,4 drops! a lil further 4 drops more,,bleep,where'd he
go now? another blood spot....good golly! 5 drops....bleep man there he
IS! that was along hunt! ball took out his lung and massacred his liver
and exited! deer weren't 75 yds from where I shot at him.....took pics with
the throwaway camera,,,course the flinter is up on the trail...and we never
took him off the carrier till we put him on the car,,and I left the gun in
camp...so no real good pics.."

I apologize if I missed anything :haha:
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Bleep, RC great story. I felt just like i was Bleep there with ya. But why the Bleep did ya put all them Bleeps in the story. Kinda took away from the full Bleepin' effect. :rotf: