real black powder$$$$$$$$$

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I don't know about jim bowie's personal knife, there have been at least 2 dozen on e-bay....... :crackup:

The only problem is that i'm always outbid for his personal knife... :p

regarding transport of powder.

I was in Germanu in the late 70's If i transported ANY black powder it was to be in individual premeasured charges, each charge was to be in a seperate container, the individual containers stored in a special box with each charge seperated by some distance fron the other, stored out of reach in the car, etc, etc, etc,. This led to people making up wooden boxes with individual vials and holes drilled in boards that were put into in special boxes. Got to see a lot of very beautiful cabinet type work related to the construction of the containers for transporting the individually measured and seperately contained charges. The guys i saw put LOTS of work into everything muzzleloading related, and some wonderful work resulted. Everything was fitted just so, polished, inlays, and so forth. As best i recall, loading from a horn was a no no,but i coould be wrong.

The people i saw were VERY serious about their marksmanship, safety, personal appearance, equipment, etc.

A lot of times i felt like a real bunpkin, but quickly learned that the Germans were very envious of our free-wheeling (to them)American ways and most of all our liberties.

I don't know what the current atmosphere, regs. etc are like. Haven't been there since 1988. My memory could also be faulty.

Read that pile of fertilizer that is masked as legislation.

So what are you to do in NY if you can't buy 1-5 pounds of BP retail and you can't find someplace to order a five pound minimum (assuming you don't have any to begin with)?

Break the law or stop shooting BP?

What a bunch of BS. :curse:

Pisses me off and I don't even live there (nor will I ever).
Just curious, and maybe this is a stupid question, but is it illegal to make your own? I know it's been done at living history events, maybe there's a licence needed? It's a pretty simple process and was quite common on the frontier as I understand it.

Sulphur, charcoal, and saltpetre are fairy inexpensive....
Stumpkiller, i know that it is illegal to make your own. I was on E-bay yesterday though, and there is somebody selling all the ingredients to make your own on there. Wonder how they are getting away with that? It is under the muzzleloader section. He had about 4 or 5 different auctions for the stuff. Strange. :youcrazy:
It's not illegal to sell the ingredients. Or to own the ingredients.

I don't even know if there is a fee attached to the licensing. Might be free. But, you have to agree to unannounced inspections and the facilities probably can't be your own home (especially if you have natural gas service) or any residence where people sleep or food is prepared, etc.. I waded through the BATF site and found all sorts of .pdf files in legaleze to read through.

The recipe is 600 some odd years old, it's not hard to find. Mixing is easy, the tricky part is drying it (I understand that if it crystalizes a certain way it can be pressure sensitive).

The neighbors will all say: "He was such a quiet guy, I never would have suspected it".
Stumpkiller, thanks for the reply. Was just curious, since it IS illegal to make BP, why it would be LEGAL to advertize the ingredients to do so for sale on E-Bay. Our tax dollars at work. ::
It ain't illegal to sell arsonists gas or send money to TV evangelists. The world is full of such paradoxes.

Be thankful. I understand it is not easy to get a permit to make knives over 3-1/2" or swords in Japan.

Whan Cuba or Canada conquers us many things will change. Be thankful for the "God Given" rights we are allowed to keep in the here and now.
Whan Cuba or Canada conquers us many things will change. Be thankful for the "God Given" rights we are allowed to keep in the here and now.

Are we at war with canada? when did this happen? Was this cause we keep calling their Bacon ham? Or cause our money gets mixed up with theirs?
:bull: To every one that seems to be experts in NY. LET'S get the ruling straight, One can buy RETAIL ONLY 1 to 5 lbs per DAY. The law also says that you can only have 5 Lbs in your vehicle at one time, this is for ALL TYPES of POWDERS. Also can only have up to 50 lbs in you home per BAT. What a noise and smoke that wouldbe. Remember that some municiples might have other rulings, if your tell them. I have just ordered and received from Powder, Inc my supply for the next year of shooting, 15lbs. If this was not true how do clubs get members togeather and order 25 lbs so that members can get low, low pricing! As fare as finding retail sales, one only has to asked someone or a local club that shoots BP and maybe they might get the right answer as to where to buy. Remember that the price is still cheaper to order 5lbs from Powder, Inc. or some other supplyer than retail.