Real scalpers: forged or ground?

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Aug 4, 2004
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The Land of Enchantment
I'm curious how the Sheffield shops made the knives they exported by the barrel full to Colonies in the 1700s. The common pattern seems to be what we today call a butcher knife, often with a half or partial tang held by three pins. Were these forged then filed and ground/polished smooth, or were they cut or even stamped somehow out of sheet iron or steel and then shaped and ground on a wheel?
Might be a question for Mr. LRB ...
From The History of Cutlery
Sheffield has good natural resources. Five rivers flow from the surrounding hills down through the Sheffield area and powered the water wheels which drove grinding wheels for the cutlers. Coal forsmelting and forging, and iron ore for making the blades were also both mined locally. Finally, nearby quarries provided the sandstone for the grindstones with which items were sharpened and polished, and it was the quality of these grindstones and the large number of water powered workshops using them that really gave Sheffield the edge above other cutlery making centres.

These where BIG shops/factories,,the underlined is the only hint I can find wuith a quick search,
They were forged, maybe filed a bit, then ground to true them up to a basic pattern, and even up the surface. If you will research a bit, you will find that most all of the producers of cutlery had water power to run their grinders. At the time they were made, forging was the most practical method of shaping steel, at least to bring it to a general shape. forging was also the most economical way to use a minimum amount of steel, which was somewhat a precious and expensive item then. Unfortunatly, today, many believe any forged steel item is superior in performance to other methods of steel shaping, but that is completely erroneous, except in the case of springs, or other items that require extreme curvature. Forging acually adds no qualities to steel except in the case of needing to have the grain flow with a radical curve. The grain is permanently set when steel bars are rolled to shape at the foundary. Only heat can change the internal structure of these grains for any good outcome, or bad, depending on how it is applied. I have noticed a few smiths are forge working cast tomahawk heads to improve them. They are acually doing little, to nothing in bettering the casting, unless they happen to close a tiny air pocket or two. They are not changing the direction of the grains. That is set, and cannot be changed, which in a casting are aimed anywhere, and nowhere in general. Steel/iron cannot be compressed, so forget the notion of "pack hardening", Simple physics. Unless there are inclusions, or pockets, and then, all that is being done is to close these pockets. The steel itself is unchanged. Heat can grow grain, making it weaker, or shrink grain, making it stronger, but all that depends on how the heat is applied. High heat produces large grains because small grains merge to become large grains. With proper control of the heat, this condition is reversed. To see this, break a quality file. The grain structure is so fine as to acually not be seen as individual grains without magnification. Then heat one piece of that to a yellow heat and quench, break again, and you will see the individual grains if you look closely. If you purchase an item, only because it was hand forged, and you want it that way because that is how it was done then, fine. If you purchase an item hand forged only because you believe it superior, you have wasted your money. All the superior qualties in steel are in the heat treament, not the hammer. And what Necchi said.
Brine quenching is always a risk. Those that use it do so expecting an occassional failure. I have used it with success, but only on flint strikers. I am not brave enough to risk a thin blade in it, or a even a frizzen. If you will order a piece of 1075/80, or find some 1084, you can quench in warmed canola oil, with good result and minimal risk. Do not try your first blade with 1095 though. It is too picky about the quench, and difficult to get right. The other 10XX steels work pretty easy, and all the 10XX steels are pretty cheap. The main source of failure with them is not getting the steel hot enough, and getting it too hot. They need to be between 1475° and 1500° for the quench, to be at their best. You can use a magnet to gauge your heat up to the point it will no longer attract, 1414°, then increase the heat to about two shades of red above that. If you can work it out someway, common salt melts at 1474°. You can also buy a product called Templac which comes in different melting temps, and is applied to the blade. That would be the best way to go to get the correct temp without a heat treat oven. There are also a few steps of heat cycling before you are ready to quench, often called normalizing. These cycles, properly done remove stresses, and reduce grain size to their minimum in preparation for the quench. If you wanted to send the blade out for heat treat, A2 steel, which is an air quenched, carbon steel, would be a good choice. It comes as is, in a perfect condition for heat treat, and is very soft and easily filed. The problem is that it has to be oven treated, with a prolonged soak at between 1850° and 1950°, and is somewhat expensive compared to the 10XX steel. It could be considered as 01 steel on steroids. If you really wanted to brine quench, you can leave the edge area about 1/16" thick and try. Brine is less violent than plain water, and does give a pretty even cooling effect. If you succeed, then you have to immediately temper, as in have your kitchen range pre-heated and waste no time getting the blade in it. Then grind it on down being very careful of the heat from grinding. Many do it this way, but grinding hardened steel while keeping it cool can be tedious.

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