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Recent NYS Firearms Law

Muzzleloading Forum

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In NY a submitted bill must be signed into law or vetoed in 10 days if not signed or vetoed it becomes law automatically .If vetoed it goes back to the house that passed it with an explanation and if 2 thirds of each house vote to over turn the veto it becomes law. If a bill is submitted while the legislature is not in session the Gov has 30 days to sign or veto. if he ignores it (pocket veto ) it is the same as a veto
I don't know where some people get the idea that a governor runs things. He's just for the most part a figurehead. No governor has ever passed any bill.
He/she can veto them or refuse to sign them. In some States if the Governor refuses to sign and the "bill" has enough support it automatically becomes law after (x) number of days?
many govenors have caused states enumerable head aches for the citizens and state servants. one that comes to mind is the Terminator out in Kalifornia. he shut down almost all access to back country roads for the local citizens. everything is locked out , only fire fighters are allowed in the back hills of popular camp areas. then raised fees to access public parks. the list is endless. NWO sucks
I don't know where some people get the idea that a governor runs things. He's just for the most part a figurehead. No governor has ever passed any bill.
They can also declare as state of emergency and use emergency powers to side step the legislative process and declare something a law. Such as requiring hospitals to fire workers who don't get a shot, causing a shortage of 9,000 healthcare workers. Or having a gun control bill voted on and passed and signed in a closed door session in the middle of the night, without the legislature being able to read it. All due to a school shooting in another state.
As of yesterday, on the local news, the Assemblywoman from the Utica/Rome area, Maryann Buttenschon, was interviewed. She spoke about the new bill she is introducing to exempt living historians & re-enactors from this new bill in NYS. It sounds promising so I'm hoping this gets cared for quickly.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time....be well.

I unfortunately the governor in my State likes to pass laws by emergency powers. His party has a super majority and goes along with what ever he dictates.
As of yesterday, on the local news, the Assemblywoman from the Utica/Rome area, Maryann Buttenschon, was interviewed. She spoke about the new bill she is introducing to exempt living historians & re-enactors from this new bill in NYS. It sounds promising so I'm hoping this gets cared for quickly.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time....be well.


I wouldn’t hold my breath. I love the effort and the sentiment, but New York doesn’t seem like the type of place to pass a restriction and then backtrack. I think they (at the state house) count historians among the enemy just as much as terrorists.
Question for NYS residents. Do any of you know if the new laws passed in NYS apply to muzzleloaders? I wrote to the Department of Environmental Conservation and received no response.

Specifically, the law now states that firearms have to be secured in a locked, "Impact, fire, and tamper-proof" hard case and hidden within your vehicle during transport.

The law is also vague (no surprise) in reference to stopping anywhere. I don't know how you stop for gas, a rest area, or even a supermarket without "leaving a firearm unattended" in your vehicle.

As much as I love my home State and enjoy hunting the Adirondacks you have to wonder if it is worth the hassle, headaches, and even the risk for non-residents. It may be time to just spend more time (and my money) in Maine.

I would probably get dinged for speaking my true feelings on this topic, but I will say you already have a good place to hunt.
In Maine.
add them to the boycott list
the list is getting long, i'm running out of places to shop...
The way to get around this is to quit buying online....it is going to be difficult, but, doable. Go to your local gun stores and ask them to get your items, go to the ATM, get cash, and head to the local store and pay cash.
The way to get around this is to quit buying online....it is going to be difficult, but, doable. Go to your local gun stores and ask them to get your items, go to the ATM, get cash, and head to the local store and pay cash.
That will work until the NWO does away with that pesky untraceable cash and makes everything electronic
I’m not right or left but it seems to me that hochul tossed out a lot of votes with this law and the absurd level of taxes on ammo. Most of the landscape in NY is rural, but most of the people in NY live in cities. Giuliani and William bratton cleaned up NY by going after small repeated crimes and jailing assholes who don’t try to live in society. Sort of a “go be a scumbag elsewhere “ idea. They did tend to slam people hard for possession of pistols but, the law was clear. The new gun laws in NY are clear as mud.
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It's a story almost as old as civilization. Oppression and tyranny will eventually lead to rebellion and liberty and prosperity at a great cost. Which in turn leads to complacency and softness which in time then leads to tyranny and oppression. And the beat goes on. I never underestimate the depth some people will sink to when we give them the power of government over us. I sure dont know the answers.
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