Recipe for Spam or Hot Dogs?

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Sperit de bois

45 Cal.
Dec 9, 2007
Reaction score
Anyone have a recipe/way that makes Span or Hot Dogs look and taste like tenderloin!!!!
Been a sparse season,,coyotes/bears were hard on the deer this year,according to DIFW,starting ML season Monday,,,got till the 8 Dec,, then it's Spam or Hot Dogs. Not even a hair/rabbit to fill in,not even "track soup".
Thanks Giving was good,,store bought bird and all the stuffing you could eat....pies, to many,,,all most!!
Anyone have a recipe/way that makes Span or Hot Dogs look and taste like tenderloin!!!!

Just one recipe that I know of to make 'em taste like tenderloin;

Buy a can of Spam or pack of hotdogs
Don't eat anything for 5 or 6 days
Eat the Spam or hotdogs
Slice spam and marinate overnite in Kraft sundried tomato vinnigarette salad dressing, cook on the grill, fold a piece of bread around it. Taste like tenderloin? No.
Thanks all,, sofar!!! Taking the GPR out for a woods walk tomorrow,get it done or grilled Spam/Hot Dogs,,BBQ sauce/Texas Pete might swing the flavor some..M/L season starts Monday, run till the 8 Dec in my area,,full moon coming 28 Nov,, second rut!!!!???????Only time will tell....and the weather is predicted,rain/cold wind/snow in the upper elevations,no sissies and very few men hunt in that,,,,,, :slap:
well it sure nuff ain't gonna taste like Venison tenderloin but Spam is used ALOT over in Hawaii, had it fixed n added into all sorts of different meals n it usually was pretty good, try searching the web for Hawaiian recipies useing spam, ya might be surprised at how good it can be. But I got a feelen yer gonna knock one down today so the tenderloin will be on the grill or in the pot :thumbsup:
taste like venison tenderloin? no but sizzled until browned in a skillet over med-low heat with fryed 'taters and onions and/or eggs is a mighty satisfying breakfast.
high sodium though
Slice it up, fry it, and then bury it in beans and salsa!

Enough salsa and you can stand anything. :grin:
Hot dogs are easy to make tasty but Spam is a challange. The best way I have found is to slice it up and feed it to a dog and then eat the dog. :haha:
Slip a PRB in behind the 2nd rib headed to the far shoulder of a fat Cow elk, cook the ribs & hart over an open fire. Eat the meat off the ribs, scoop Spam out of the can with a rib bone & give it to the dog.
For the price/lb on hotdogs or Spam, it would be cheaper to buy meat from the store.
Black Hand said:
For the price/lb on hotdogs or Spam, it would be cheaper to buy meat from the store.

Trade Spam&Hotdogs for meat!:hmm: I love them all!
"The best way I have found is to slice it up and feed it to a dog and then eat the dog."

Dang Bill I almost spewed tea all over my keyboard.
How about some nice Spam Wellington? Take a whole pack of spam and slather chopped liver on top, then wrap it up in pie crust and bake 35 minutes.
We make it with smothered onions and potaotes. Once the potatoes are done add the chopped spam. Quick and easy.

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