I've purchased a good number of replicas since joining this forum but want to start getting some originals but my knowledge is basically nil.
Any good reference material that anyone would suggest?
I've done some searching on the Net and there are some very interesting examples out there but I don't know what a fair price is for any particular handgun and in what condition.
I would want to have a max price around $2K, not willing to go higher at the moment. From looking at prices that some desirable (IMO) handguns have sold for I think I should be able to get some nice pieces in that price range.
Any info, reference material, websites etc would be appreciated.
Any good reference material that anyone would suggest?
I've done some searching on the Net and there are some very interesting examples out there but I don't know what a fair price is for any particular handgun and in what condition.
I would want to have a max price around $2K, not willing to go higher at the moment. From looking at prices that some desirable (IMO) handguns have sold for I think I should be able to get some nice pieces in that price range.
Any info, reference material, websites etc would be appreciated.