remington round ball

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bp shooter... brass coated Remington RB's are that color because it was a company ploy to sell a lead ball coated with brass to reduce lead fouling in the barrel. Like the ball really touches the barrel. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif ::
I thought they were made that way to prevent leading in BP revolvers because they don't use patches in revolvers...and assumed that's way they were only sold in small quantities of 25 on a blister pac card instead of boxes of 100 like everybody else...maybe not
Roundball - You would shave the plating off when you loaded it in a revolver. Rocky /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
No earthly idea then why they plated you suppose it was a marketing thing to "protect us from handling lead" ???
I think it was a marketing thing to sell balls to newbies.

Of course, the balls won't get coated with lead oxide like some of the ones I have had for a few years did.
So who ever you plugged wouldn't get lead poison? you can find them when you drop them in the dirt at the range? you can look all important with your space age black plastic stock in-line weenie gun? you can locate them inside of your ball bag using a flashlight? you won't get lead dust in your suite pants pocket while carring them to the shooting event?.......A sucker magnet in the Wal-mart sporting goods display section?........used to impress you so you don't buy 'nasty lead' Hornandy or Thompson bullets?........and last but not the least, They are PRETTY! damnit get over it......... :winking:
They already had the plating for their clad .22LR bullets. Maybe someone processed the wrong batch of bullets at one time and they liked it? Maybe they get an environmental perk for not selling exposed lead or some such foolishness.

"A special alloy to add hardness" when we avoid picking up cheap wheel-weights because we want pure, soft lead? Obviously they talked to their in-line advisors and not real shooters. ::

After all, if they go to the trouble to bubble package them and charge premium prices for the most simple of projectiles they obviously are going for the buyer who is hunting for compliments and not meat.
I agree with you about the occasional shooter market and I hope I haven't offended anyone on the in-line weenie thing.....It is just a pun.......I have a shiny T/C 'Hawken' and take a razzin over it on the not all of us fit 'the' muzzle loader image.......john.....
Oh, admit it. You said it and you're not sorry. Techno-weenie, techno-weenie, techno-weenie!

Be proud that your gun has a hammer out where God intended it. I shoot a flintlock and I like my cock out where I and others can see it! Wait a minute, that doesn't sound quite right . . .
Bawwwwww-hawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, snickers, choke, gasp, harrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
ROTFLMAO :haha: :haha: :haha:
.....Hammer?........your so judgemental!......flint....a shiny brass T/C 'wantabe' Hawkens flinch lock......pretty blue barrel, nice varnished wooden stock, has a cap box instead of a patch box.....hay it's just like the Jerimah Johnson or Davy Crockets........but seriously out of all the BP rifle/muskets I own, some 9 in all, It is the best shooter I got......john.......
I just got an e-mail from Remington about the gold plated balls...

I asked them if it was just a sales gimic... :winking: :haha:

Thank you for your inquiry. The primary focus of the plating process is for your safety and reduction of lead exposure. As for the fouling of the barrel, the patch does not stop the ball from expanding once the powder has been ignited and the round ball will then touch the rifling in the bore. The patch is merely used to form a compression in the chamber to allow the expansion of the round ball.

Now I guess we should all rush out and buy some, shame I can't, no brass plated .75's... :haha:
Gee I wonder if THEIR balls and lands of THEIR rifle cut their patches.......all of my recovered patches arn't cut.......john.......
Oh well. I truly believe the Rem M700 is the best production bolt action rifle, and I love my 11-87 shotgun . . . but this is the same company that introduced the plastic-stocked Apache .22LR and the Model 600 & 660 carbine with the laminated stock, plastic Buck Rogers vent rib, front sight and triggerguard.

It's like every 20 years they let Mrs. Johnson's fourth grade class at Illion Elementary School design a product.
Well, their heart is in the right place. Or at least their sales pitch sounded real good in the "Think Tank" board meeting.

Cuts thru the patch and makes contact with the bore my foot!

That's when you switch to a different patch.
Maybe what some of us should do is to take a few of these people out and show them what shooting Black Powder Rifles is all about. (Always looking for another excuse to do some more shooting! Ah says!). ::
I agree....the M700 is one tuff gun......I've got a 7.62 heavy barrel......I also own an 870 in every gauge they offer......everybody I shoot sporting clays with has 'those' fancy o/u guns and here I stand with a 20ga 870 field grade, that I bought in pawn shot for $125. It has the former owners initials carved in the stock......It shoots real full patterns and pumps can't ask for more......john.....(yeh I had a nylon 66 way back when....had a 12in shot group at shed of that PDQ)
And all this time I thought those pretty Remington round balls were for vampires and werewolves. Doesn't Van Helsing always load his muzzleloader with gold or silver balls before heading for the count's castle? :winking: I think Remington is pulling your leg.
Hey Musketman, send me some o them .75's and I'll brass coat'em fer ya. Might be closer to .80 when ya gets'em back thou. Heck, just don't use no patch. I'll even send ya a 2 pound hammer ta pound'em down the barrel with. :: :shocking: