Get the GPR. You will NOT be disappointed. You will be amazed that you got so much rifle for so little money. As far as the wood goes, here's a hint, if you don't mind. When mine arrived, it had some rather scratchy feeling finish on the wood. I took a rough piece of cloth, an old birdshot bag or piece of canvas works great and rubbed the "scratchies" off. The thing is, under the finish they use, which is dark in color, is some might fine looking wood. It's still going to be dark; the wood is walnut, black walnut if I recall correctly. But, anyways, they use a dark stain for it, which is probably pretty close to what you would want if you were "back in the day" and not wanting a shiney rifle giving away your position to hostiles. But you can bring out the grain with some TLC. Use a little oil afterwards and rub it into the wood.
I have a percussion .54 GPR, 1-60 barrel for roundball. It's great. Best money I ever spent on ANY rifle.