Iowa, there are good points here across the board including your own. There are snobs, and Tommy may be walking the line, but please understand what they mean...
There are different levels of correctness. While the Pedersolis are beautiful, affordable, quality (and I stated my recommendation) they are "acceptable" in certain circles but not perfect. The differences can be minor and that's when the snobs are evident, jumping up and down, looking for chances to shoot you down, scold you, ridicule you in front of others, and often about things that are minor, maybe immaterial, and even questionable. But part of the drive is, indeed, to be complete and accurate in your representation. Your equipment is the easy part by the way. It just takes the investment.
Monetary cost is definitely a barrier to entry of "the hobby." As is time. I borrowed my stand-of-arms for almost two years and bought the rest of the kit over that time to see how interested I was in even playing this reenacting game. That said, you can appreciate that there is a minimum level af acceptability. Just admit it -- you'll feel better. For example, no-one would be allowed to reenact, as far as I know, with an AR-15 or a Traditions caplock having a brass plate between the front and back parts of the two-piece stock, in a Rev. War portrayal, right? To the more knowledgeable folks having a sight leaf with a wrong 15-degree angle in it makes them just as crazy and, to them, you a fool for buying that awful gun in the first place. Don't get too angry with them -- they just don't know how to play well with others. Some even seldom post here anymore as a result...
But truly listen to them. Thank them. Then move the hell on and past them. Get reasonably involved vs. not at all. Constantly improve -- it's a journey not a destination. My opinion? It is better to be a diamond with a flaw than a perfect rockhead. Yet there is a price to even get into the game. For me, custom, especially unseen with hillbilly cheats like TVM, John Buck, etc., ain't it anymore.