Btw, I’m surprised that you would consider divesting… they do have as much or really more investment potential as any well cared for replica. For me, much of my interest is based on the function. Example, I have a pistol in the cabinet. Looks pretty good and has the best walnut grips I’ve ever seen from a factory. Really really nice

the gun looks great! Doesn’t shoot or function well at all. I sent it out for a massage and lo and behold it’s no more functional than when I sent it away. Groups around 4” at 25 yards no matter what I feed it, fouls quickly and is just fussy plus the form, particular to that brand, is only a rough kind of clumsy approximation of the originals. Now this pistol has been oohed and cooed over since I got it but that purty handgun is just ugly to me. I’ve considered dumping it but I don’t think I could because I‘d feel like I was passing a pig in a poke.
Rambling again, nothing to do with your situation… It’s an old age thing I’m afraid…