I finished my second build.
50 cal. Chambers' York with extra fancy wood
Stock finish: LMF Nut Brown stain and Jim Chmabers' Traditional Oil Stock Finish
Barrel: LMF Rust Blued
Ramrod finish: Fiebing's Medium Brown leather dye
Barrel coned with Joe Wood's coning tool
I know there is room for improvement, but it was fun building the rifle as well as my skills. Thanks for looking-Allen
50 cal. Chambers' York with extra fancy wood
Stock finish: LMF Nut Brown stain and Jim Chmabers' Traditional Oil Stock Finish
Barrel: LMF Rust Blued
Ramrod finish: Fiebing's Medium Brown leather dye
Barrel coned with Joe Wood's coning tool
I know there is room for improvement, but it was fun building the rifle as well as my skills. Thanks for looking-Allen