Well, I took the barrel out to the gargage today with the idea that I was going to just mill a slot in that offset wide enough for the ramrod and then leave it alone. Well, I should have known better! The slot went so well that I figured it would not hurt to mill off the corners also. Then I figured to file it down close to round. After filing and grinding some, I had a big enough mess that I did what I should have planned on doing anyway. I chucked the barrel up in the lathe and recut the breech end full round. Then I cut wood plugs and put it in the wood lathe. I did a pretty good polish job on it. Just about when I was ready to pat myself on the back for doing so well, the mail arrived with the breechplug from Pecatonica. Now, why did I polish it like that before I drilled and tapped it for a breech plug? Anyway, after a little frustration, it is drilled, tapped as far as I can without a bottom tap, and still in pretty good shape. After I find a bottom tap, time to start the inletting. Here is the now.
So far, not counting sandpaper and such, I have 35$ in the barrel and breechplug.
So far, not counting sandpaper and such, I have 35$ in the barrel and breechplug.