I'm sorry. Limiting oneself to 25 yards with a .45 sounds silly. There are way too many variables that come into play. The size of the PRB (IMHO) is one of the lesser ones to fret over. How good a shot is the hunter? What are the weather conditions? The further downrange, 25 - 30 MPH crosswinds can play you for a fool. What is the demeanor of the animal? Did he just get pushed to where you have the shot? or is he relaxed and feeding broadside? How much powder are you using and what type of powder? How familiar is the hunter with the gun? Does he know where it'll hit at 40, 50, 60, 90, 105, 140 yards? What I shot as a 12 year old differs greatly from what I hunt with these days. I say this because I've shot a number of deer well beyond these ranges that were good, clean kills. That said, I've had more than my share of occasions where I thought I had a great shot only to misjudge the wind, range, cover, etc. and kick myself silly once the smoke cleared and I watched the deer bound away, then stop "out of range" and proceed to feed (a friend always referred to this as the Red Gods laughing at me). I saw a man in his latter 70s take a big old doe at 200 yards with a .50 cal. flintlock with PRB a few years ago. She went, maybe, ten yards and dropped dead! I'd have never attempted that shot...but he knows his gun like the back of his hand and the weather conditions were perfect...and the Red Gods smiled!!!!