Sanding a fiberglass rod?

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Sep 25, 2006
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This may seem like a silly question, but here goes ...

I purchased a fiberglass ramrod from ToW. Turns out it's just a little too big in diameter to fit the ramrod thimbles of my rifle. Is there any reason why I shouldn't sand it down a bit so that it fits?
Make sure you wear a dust mask or respirator. Emphysema is not fun.
Other than the safety note, you can do it. I've found it necessary sometimes.
Outside - on a windy day - is ok, but the mask should still be worn. They're really cheap insurance against a terrible disability. The majority of the dust will blow away with a good wind, but some will be electrically charged and stick to your hands/rod/equipment and need wiping off. The mask will protect against that situation.
I've never used a fiberglas rod and have no personal knowledge about this, but I've seen a number of posts over the years that fiberglas rods can really wear a there not anything to that?
roundball said:
I've never used a fiberglas rod and have no personal knowledge about this, but I've seen a number of posts over the years that fiberglas rods can really wear a there not anything to that?

I do believe that it is a concern. However, my primary reason for getting the fiberglass rod was for use while hunting. This is for a .50 caliber rifle that has a 3/8" ramrod. It feels a little thin and I don't want to experience a broken rod in the field. For the range, I have a steel rod with a muzzle protector. So, the glass rod won't see a whole lot of use.

Oldnamvet said:
Consider wet sanding to keep the dust to a minimum.

Great idea.
prepare t be real itchy, wear a long sleeved shirt and a painters hood if you have to sand a lot. this is just experience from installing fiberglass insulation although i still remmber when i was a kid and got into my dads tools and saned the fiberglass handle on his hammer with some sandpaper boy that was not fun.
Dave Markowitz said:
This is for a .50 caliber rifle that has a 3/8" ramrod. It feels a little thin and I don't want to experience a broken rod in the field.

Understand completely...I haven't used a wooden rod in 10-12 years or so...gradually replaced them all with solid brass and use nylon muzzleguides with them

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