Scheutzen powder

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40 Cal.
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
Found a place that had a few cans of Scheutzen powder ,3f,so I bought some.Wow was I disapointed.First shot not close to POA.Went to reload sharp rap on the short starter ball went down the barrel 6 inches could not budge it further even with a hammer used CO2 discharger cleaned bore reloaded shot again not close to POA or previous shot.Reapeted all steps in same order,including hammer and CO2 discharger,slow learner,with same results.Went to the house grabed a can of Pyrodex same balls same patches same charge shot 15 more times never swabbed bore and the last shot loaded as easy as the first.Think I will stick to Pyrodex and GOEX.
Jess: So what is the big deal about cleaning the bore between shots? Aren't you running a damp patch down between loads to snuff out any burning embers in the barrel? That is a safety precaution that should be on your "must do" list. That damp spit patch is all you need to clear the crud out.

Also, If you didn't clean your barrel down to the metal after shooting some Pyrodex, that can explain why the Schuetzen powder was so dirty in the barrel. If you will lube the barrel with bore butter, you should have no trouble cleaning out the crud between shots, or in loading the next shot. As far as POI, a different POI can be expected any time you change a component in some guns. Particularly when using a new powder, you need to bench rest the gun to find out where the shot is going.
Paul I only cleanbetween shots if iis getting hard to reload.After I shoot I let the gun sit for a minute or so while I look for the patch or check the target.When I ran a patch soaked with NO 13 bore cleaner down the bore after 1 shot the jag was stuck so bad I had to dump more NO 13 down the bore and wrap the ramrod in a rag and grab it with a vice grip to pull it out.It was a clean bore with a light coat of bore botter an the patches were T/C pre lubed with bore butter.I have not shot Pyrodex out of this gun for 2 years.I have been using GOEX but was running low so I grabed the Pyrodex after using the Scheutzen so there was no Pyrodex fouling in the barrel befor the Scheutzen.After I got the first cleaning patch out of the bore I ran 5 more down and they were all as black and gritty as the first.Not only were the shots not close to point of aim they were not within a foot of each other.I have read nothing but good things about Scheutzen and was excited to find some in stock.Apparently I just got hold of a bad batch.I will give it one more try though. Did you get much ice from tuesdays storm?
Sounds like you were getting incomplete burning, which usually points to using too small a patch for the diameter of the ball you are shooting. The fact that the balls are hitting all over the place also suggests the wrong patch and ball combination is being used.

Since the RS was shooting fine, it sounds like you are fortunately getting enough fast ignition and pressure to OBTURATE the PRB enough to seal the barrel using RS. Its not occurring with whatever load you are using of the Schuetzen. I am assuming that you did not use a chronograph to test the two loads, so you have no idea what the powder charge is doing.

Understand that RS is a substitute. While the same volume of RS can be substituted for an equal volume of Black Powder, safely, you FIRST have to establish a good load with the Black Powder, before making the switch to the substitute powder. It does work the other way. It would help to know what powder charge you are using. Whatever it is, its not enough.

Cleaning between shots, I Repeat, is a SAFETY issue. You are not shooting an AR-15! You are shooting a muzzle loader, using black powder. IT HAS TO BE CLEANED of any burning ember between shots to avoid endangering YOU, and others around you. The fact that you have not been doing this kind of cleaning when shooting RS just indicates that you have been living on LUCK, or are so new to the sport, that you are slow in reloading enough, that any embers burn out before you pour down the next charge of powder. It may also be a function of RS having a much higher flashpoint.

Safety is not an issue to be debated. Its not something you choose to do or not to do depending on how you feel that day. Violate safety rules, and you will thrown off a firing line by range officers. Repeatedly violate them, and you usually can expect to be thrown out of clubs. Of course, what you do in your own back yard, or in the field is between you and God. I think I would be very embarrassed trying to explain to St. Peter why I am at his Gate early because I blew myself up loading my rifle. i certainly would not have to be there trying to explain how my gross negligence got someone else badly injured or killed.
From what I have read, early lots of Wano (Schuetzen) was dirtier. Later lots are much cleaner and I have not noticed too much difference between the Schuetzen I got last summer and Goex.
That's good to hear. Any idea how velocities compare between using Goex and Schuetzen from the same gun, same load?
I don't have a chrony yet, but, again, from what others tell me and my own observation, this powder is equal to or slightly better than Goex in power. Not quite as fast or clean as Swiss tho, but definitely cleaner than Elephant! Emery
Teh proof is always in the pudding, as is said. That means, if the two powders using the same volume load put a ball at the same POI on your target, they are substantially equal.
Unsure of extraneous things as to cause & effect, but IMO, there was nothing wrong with the powder. I shoot Graf's, which is the same thing, (but cheaper) and I love it.
Hello from Germany!

I shoot WANO PP which is similar to Grafs and Schuetzen and i'm very satisfied with it. There is no need of cleaning between the shots when you use a spit patch or a lubed wad. I use it both for hunting and target shooting.I think it is very similar to GOEX, too.


I have never purchased any Scheutzen but did Used some at the range several times. I was impressed with it. As far as all of us were concerned it shot like, smelled like, preformed like, looked like, and cleaned just like GOEX. We have never had any problems with Scheutzen, GOEX or Swiss Black Powders.

I've shot Graf's (made for them by Wano) w/ good results, but not quite as good as Goex it seems. tad more fouling maybe, but I wipe betwixt shots anyway so no problemo.
I respect all the opinions expressed and
they very well may be right.Somebody has to be!
IMHO It may not be a powder problem,but maybe
a lube,patch or even barrel problem.How old
is the barrel(rounds fired). I'm not offering
answers but possibilities....
snake-eyes :hmm:
I have experimented with Scheutzen, Swiss and Goex. I find to get the same POI with Swiss compared to Goex, I reduced the charge by 10gr. To get the same POI comparing Goex to Scheutzen, I reduced the charge by 5gr. I found Scheutzen to be about 1/2 way between Swiss and Goex in cleanliness, with Swiss being the cleanest. I do shoot with a fairly snug patch/ball combo. This testing was done in a 50cal. "B" weight Colerain barrel using 2F and a 40cal. "B" weight Colerain barrel using 3F.