Didn't have time to retry at shorter range.Try shooting at 25 or 50 yards and see what you get there ?
Didn't have time to retry at shorter range.Try shooting at 25 or 50 yards and see what you get there ?
everybody jumps on everything but the biggest factor are you mounting the gun the exact same as last time ? I find as I'm entering my 7th decade that I have to work harder and pay more attention to my mount to maintain the level of accuracy I was getting before weather that's 1 day, week, month or longer, or even target to target. the first place I'd look at is my mount the powder isn't going to be off a foot just by changing brands. You also say nothing about group size?I believe it absolutely could be the powder. As previously mentioned Swiss is "hotter" than Schutzen.
However, how long has it been since you shot last? If it's been a while and if you are using prelubed patches maybe they dried out or rotted lessening the gas seal. That's another possibility.
Yes.....are you mounting the gun the exact same as last time...
No, because I drifted the front sight for windage correction in between shots, so there was no "group" to speak of. It's a little loose and must have gotten bumped since last time. Once I get zero set and confirmed, I'll peen it in tighter.....You also say nothing about group size?
Hey Crisco.You may not be missing anything. A faster load spends less time under recoil in the barrel. That means the barrel will rise less before the ball leaves the muzzle which will make it strike lower. A slower load spends more time in the barrel before it exits which will make it strike higher. Longer distances will be different, of course.
You may not be missing anything. A faster load spends less time under recoil in the barrel. That means the barrel will rise less before the ball leaves the muzzle which will make it strike lower. A slower load spends more time in the barrel before it exits which will make it strike higher. Longer distances will be different, of course.
Yes sirPreviously when I shot my SMR I had noted in my shooting log that it had been zeroed at 100 yds. I shot it again today and amazed to find that it's now hitting around 12 inches low at 100 yds. I'm using the same load, same ball and same patch. The difference is that previously I had loaded with 3F Scheutzen, and today I loaded with 3F Swiss. Everything else the same but the powder brand. Is it possible the different brand of powder would be responsible for this much difference in elevation trajectory? (Unfortunately I didn't take along my file, so nothing to be done about it today). Thanks for your input....
You'll be there in spirit, though. One hopes...Are the groups similar?
I have found significant changes in POI with handguns of the non-blackpowder variety when shooting the so-called magnum calibers. Using the same bullet with the same POA the faster loads will hit significantly lower than the slower loads to a point. Have seem more than 12” at 100 yards with more than one handgun/caliber. Always attributed to the time the bullet was in the barrel as the gun would rise from recoil. Before I would panic or CHANGE ANYTHING I would want to confirm POI with both powders.
While some (AKA the bride for example) may call it hoarding, the situation above is why I purchase powder in 10 to 25 pound lots, patching material in multiple yard sizes, cast my own bullets from 25 to 50 pound lots of lead and purchase percussion caps for when I use them in 1000 count minimums is to avoid variables occurring all that often. Above not always possible, but remains a goal. The left overs will be part of what some former coworkers of mine called ‘one hell of an estate sale someday in the future’. While I would cringe at though of my stuff being sold off for pennys on the dollar, I don’t plan on attending the sale.
Are you shooting off from sand bags on a bench?Previously when I shot my SMR I had noted in my shooting log that it had been zeroed at 100 yds. I shot it again today and amazed to find that it's now hitting around 12 inches low at 100 yds. I'm using the same load, same ball and same patch. The difference is that previously I had loaded with 3F Scheutzen, and today I loaded with 3F Swiss. Everything else the same but the powder brand. Is it possible the different brand of powder would be responsible for this much difference in elevation trajectory? (Unfortunately I didn't take along my file, so nothing to be done about it today). Thanks for your input....
That would violate Newton's 3rd Law of Motion ... for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.... have also read that recoil doesn’t start until the ball leaves the barrel ...
Hotter powder has less barrel time, therefore shoots lower. Same thing happens with a lighter bullet in a cartridge gun.It's been a while, but I'm using the same patches (0.10 cotton) lubed with spit. When short-starting the seal seems pretty damn tight, and no change from last time, best as I can recall. I don't really care much for those prelubed patches for the very reason you mentioned.
If the Swiss powder is "hotter", shouldn't the ball's trajectory be flatter, given the same load? ie, should hit higher, not lower? I'm probably missing something, ballistically-wise.
0.010 IS just a tad loose; 0.015 is REALLY tight (requires mallet pounding to start), and doubled 0.010 is just near impossible, and I've tried all three, and noted no difference....
There is no way that a .010” patch is going to seal in either a Rice, or GM(Kibler) barrel.
Are you shooting off from sand bags on a bench?
Caldwell rest on bench to stabilize forearm, clenched fist under toe to stabilize elevation and fine-tune windage.....are you shooting from a rest or off-hand? Is the rest hard or soft with a deadening bag of sand or other material?