hello wheelockhunter i think its a wonderful idea but if you have problems with the public schools why dont you look for a home school group in your erea. my wife and i home school our children and are always looking for intresting ideas for a field trip. with home schooling laws like you encounter with the public schools dont apply because we are not funded by taxes we have to pick up the costs ourselves but we can have guns pray to GOD say the pledge and learn about our freedoms the way our forefathers intended. there are over 2 million children being homeschooled right now and a lot of these belong to support groups that share curriculums plan field trips play sports and a lot of other things. i am a logger and have given talks and demos to homeschoolers and the boy scouts and really enjoy oppurtunities like this i hope you do this and you will probably have just as much fun as the kids.
curly maple
curly maple