Schuetzen Powder VS Goex

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Heidi 1672

40 Cal.
Nov 19, 2006
Reaction score
I have always used Goex because it is what was available locally and it works just fine. However Schuetzen Powder has also become available locally and I would like to try it. What differences have you encountered? Thank You!
70grs FFFG in my flint smoothbore; had shot 5-pounds of Schuetzen before I 'had to switch' back to Goex (or not shoot ;) at all ). Same POI and expected group sizes, but it takes me TWICE as long and TWICE as many patches :cursing: to clean when using Goex :confused: ...

Setting up another bulk-buy of ... you guessed it - Schuetzen powder!
I've used DuPont,NOW goex, since the sixties. It has always been neccessary to recheck group and position after changing to powder in a different lot. More or less adjustment had been required frequently. I still do that, but I try to buy 10 or 25 pound lots. I bought the first Schuetzen (ffg) I ever had recently. I see that it has very few "fines" and shoots well in a BP cartridge rifle. The rule with GOEX has always been to be careful dispensing loads from the can, as in making 60 rounds for your musket, because every time you tip the can and then set it back down the fines settle more. Then the bottom of the can has more fines than the top and you get less charge consistency. That is probably not so important when you put 4 ounces in a horn at one pouring for RB, as against making lots of cartridges with a pour for each. What do you think? Wonky
HA! You should try cleaning up after burning the Chinese rubbish we are forced to use in NZ! It's like swabbing out a factory chimney.
Some time ago I bought a case of Scheutzen & a case of Goex. Testing them in several rifles & dif charges we found them to be almost Identical, with the Scheutzen being just a tad less fouling & a tad more velocity per = charges, but Very close to the same between these 2 cases.
All of my loads were set up with Goex & I kept the same loads for the Scheutzen & can tell no dif. So I am shooting the Scheutzen & my son is shooting the Goex.
My most sincere solace goes out to you JeffinNZ. The only thing that will help the smut of the yellow peril powder is to stop up the nipple/flashhole with a (what else) round Chinese toothpick, pour your favorite hot/warm cleaning solvent in the muzzle, slosh and dump X two or six, till it is clear, then clean normally. in cold weather here I take a thermos to the range sometimes, and it isn't coffee in there LOL!!! Wonky