I've used DuPont,NOW goex, since the sixties. It has always been neccessary to recheck group and position after changing to powder in a different lot. More or less adjustment had been required frequently. I still do that, but I try to buy 10 or 25 pound lots. I bought the first Schuetzen (ffg) I ever had recently. I see that it has very few "fines" and shoots well in a BP cartridge rifle. The rule with GOEX has always been to be careful dispensing loads from the can, as in making 60 rounds for your musket, because every time you tip the can and then set it back down the fines settle more. Then the bottom of the can has more fines than the top and you get less charge consistency. That is probably not so important when you put 4 ounces in a horn at one pouring for RB, as against making lots of cartridges with a pour for each. What do you think? Wonky