Sealing a powder horn

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40 Cal.
Jul 23, 2007
Reaction score
This post hardly seems worthy of placement in the Craftsman forum, so I thought I would insert it here...

Having recently purchased an inexpensive (although quite functional and very aesthetically pleasing to my eyes) powder horn from TOW, I was troubled by one small detail. The butt plug did not create a water-tight seal to the horn. I found a nice quick fix that (while not PC perhaps) is essentially invisible and required no disassembly or reworking. I simply ran a line of Tightbond III wood glue all around that joint. I then held the horn up and "puffed" on it a few times like a pipe. This sucked the glue down into the joint to fully occlude it. That way, when I went to wipe all of the visible glue away, no gaps opened up in the line of "sealant." After drying, the horn is sealed airtight, and with a little waxing should be ready to tackle most weather.
I use beeswax around the horns Ive made whether they leak or not. The titebond 3 glue is great stuff. I may try it the next horn I build. Thanks for the great tip :thumbsup:
Everybody always makes fun of me when I talk about sucking glue. Works good though, huh? :thumbsup: