Sear hardening

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40 Cal.
Feb 20, 2012
Reaction score
I have a 50 cal Dixie Gun Works Japanese long rifle. Come to find out all the sear parts are dead soft. Someone has messed with it and I'm trying to get it to work. Nice rifle if I get this fixed. I want to harden the sear parts so they will keep the adjustment and not wear so quick. How to do it?
Thank you,
This is instructions from very well known top tier lock maker (I'd name drop but not sure if they'd appreciate it) sent to me in reply to a question how how to soften, bend, and re-harden a sear arm.
"heat it to a red color, bend as needed, reheat to red and quench in motor oil or transmission fluid. Then, draw it at 500 degrees in your oven for one hour"
An opinion...........I've worked on foreign made locks years back. The best way to repair them , is total replacement. It 's easier and safer to use a modern made replacement looking at reliability. One will have to do a little wood reworking , but that's far and away less risky than trying to repair a metallurgically inadequate specimen. Modern made locks are guaranteed , and parts are readily available. For a reliable opinion on the lock , I'de go to the Cabin Creek Company website , , or call 717 -757-5841. This company repair locks , if possible. Their good at it. I can recommend them. Hope this helps.

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