Please don't pick on us that choose not to be traditional in the choice of our rifles or how we use them. I hope you are living in a teepee or a brush Hogan, burning Buffalo chips, and if you are, more power to you, just be careful of the fringe element. Remember, not to use anything synthetic and that includes cookware, clothes, and footwear while you're observing all the rules of being a traditionalist. I do hope you cast your own balls , but you can only do so over the wood fire at night with some Nutcracker type tool. Being traditional, for most front stuffers, ends right at the end of that primitive camp that so many enjoy for three days during the summer. Those of us that consider those rifles just another challenge probably don't go to the primitive site, the equipment we use is really no better, why we might even have seasoned barrels. My favorite muzzle loader has a fiberglass stock, takes me just as long to load, shoot, and reload as it does you. I do consider my muzzle loader that only weighs 5 and three quarter pounds a plus for me as I can hold it off hand.