Second time out to the range with my TC Flint Lock

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40 Cal.
Mar 24, 2008
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I had made some purchases after leaving a post about my first trip to the range.
I bought a pound of FFFFg for priming the pan and a new vent liner with the allen screw in system as “Roundball” had suggested. I made up a batch of “Stumpy’s Moose Juice” soaked about 100 patches and let them dry. I marked my ram rod like “paulvallandigham” had suggested with the ram rod all way down the barrel then up one inch.

I had plans on getting to the range this morning early before it got hot, but when I woke up at 5:00am it was raining hard so I went back to bed. At 10:00am it quit raining and my Mom, Dad, Wife and I went to the range at the lake.

After packing my shooting stuff down to the 25 yard range bench I proceeded to load the rifle.

First I ran a dry patch down the barrel to remove any oil.

I poured 50gr of FFFg down the muzzle and seated a patched round ball on the powder charge without compressing it too much like “paulvallandigham” had suggested.

I used one charge of FFFFg with the TC pan primer that I had bought like “Roundball” had suggested.

I cocked back the hammer squeezed the set trigger lined up the sites squeezed the front trigger and the TC went off with a very slight hesitation.

I repeated with the next few shots without any problems then the TC did not fire.

The TC had prime but it didn’t spark I dumped the pan charge replaced the flint recharged the pan ran the pick through the vent hole. The Vent hole on the new style liner is a little bit bigger with a nice coned hole inside. I cocked back the hammer lined up the sites squeezed the trigger and I had ignition.

The next time I loaded and tried to fire with a new flint I had no spark. I checked the flint and the bottom of the flint was wet. I had brought along some alcohol and extra patches. I wiped the bottom of the flint and the frizzen dumped out the pan charge, wiped out the pan ran the pick through the flash hole put in a fresh charge, and the TC went off like it was suppose to.

I have found that the patch lube may be to a little to dry to go down the barrel easily.
I still have to run a patch down the barrel after each shot or I have to pound the ball down the barrel. Since there was so much moisture in the air it may have contributed to the loading problem.

I loaded the TC and let my father shoot it about as much as I did and he really got a blast out of shooting the flint lock. BTW I got him started in shooting muzzleloaders when I brought home my first deer with my MK85 54cal he has also harvested many deer with his MK85 50cal.

I picked up the patches and with only 50 grains of BP they were still shredded where the outside of the ball went down the barrel but not burned up.

In conclusion I have been able to make the TC fire every time if I follow the correct procedure. I also need to get different patch lube and thinner cleaning patches. I am to cheap to buy pre lubed patches at $7.00 a hundred just to high for me to justify.

I could hardly believe that the BP residue would turn to soup so fast but I guess the moisture in the air had a lot to do with it.

I am always willing to listen to your suggestions to help make this rock lock more reliable. Deer season starts in September and I plan on getting one this year with the TC Flint Lock.

I have listed the people’s names because I thought it was important to give credit to them for there assistance with my several past posts.
okie, yer gettin there! are you wiping the frizzen an flint everytime before you prime? (i wipe the pan too,if) are you using 3fff for the load? an what thickness patch? have you tried a spit patch? (i know it won't work for huntin, but by then you'll only need one shot,..!
Any time its warm and humid out, like after any rain, you have to remember to dry everything after your shot. That includes the frizzen, every time!, and often the flint. The barrel goes without saying. If you were using the cut flints that T/C sends with their guns, you may have trouble getting them to spark well.

I always counsel new shooters to check their cock screw for tightness after a couple of hammer falls. The flint often " sets into " the flint wrap, whether you are using leather or lead. The Screw often will turn another 1/8-1/4 turn after 5 shots. Check it. otherwise, the flint doesn't spark, and can even fall out of the gun! Always make sure that the flint is striking the full face of the frizzen, so that the entire width of the edge is scraping metal off the frizzen. If the flint edge is turned even half a degree, you are only going to get a couple of sparks where it does touch.

These are just nagging details you will soon learn, and perhaps already have. Its part of the learning curve, but once learned, they are don't routinely, and you get surprised when someone asks you what you just did!

Congratulations on having fun with that new gun.

Best wishes. Paul :thumbsup:
Swede50 said:
I am always willing to listen to your suggestions to help make this rock lock more reliable. Deer season starts in September and I plan on getting one this year with the TC Flint Lock.
And I'll bet that you will with your can-do attitude
I have listed the people’s names because I thought it was important to give credit to them for there assistance with my several past posts.
No need to give credit for a couple of reasons:

1) Most everybody is willing to help and those who respond usually do so only because they might happen to be online and see the post before someone else might see it;
2) Most members learn things from other members...its a rare member who claims to know everything or that there is only one way to do something.

You'll be passing stuff on to someone else yourself're already teaching your Father...
I'm glad you got your gun shooting. I was up your way today. Stoped by Bullet stop and pick up a pound of the real stuff, thanks for the heads up where to get it. I found a Tradions Hawken flintlock at Shooters Supply in S. Hutch today that I almost came home with, has a .50 and a .40 barrel with it. Might still head there tuesday and pick it up, that or a muzzleloader shotgun I found.

Good shooting
A BP shotgun would be fun I have always wanted one but probably in precussion.
RC said:
okie, yer gettin there! are you wiping the frizzen an flint everytime before you prime? (i wipe the pan too,if) are you using 3fff for the load? an what thickness patch? have you tried a spit patch? (i know it won't work for huntin, but by then you'll only need one shot,..!

Yes with the damp weather I am wiping the frizzen & Flint & pan every time.

I am loading with GOEX FFFg yes I have tried a spit patch like you said it is ok for target shooting but I am trying to work up a hunting load.

I am shooting a .490 Lee Mold cast Round Ball and a ten thousands cotton patch.
My oldest boy reminded me it was a T/C not a Traditions hawken. So might be up there tuesday morning picking it up.
wow! 490 rb and 010 patch and its that tight? hmmmmm,well that sorta limits yer choices huh? well huntin loads is tough cause yer gonna be shootin a clean gun...but first its gettin confident that it will fire the first try, then get it to hit consistantly..i just can't understand why it gets so dirty after one shot that it would make it so hard to load.... course pretty tight to start with..hmmm maybe we can get some 480 rb's....i seen some somewhere.. :hmm: then you could thicken up the patch..let me look... :thumbsup:
It will load the first time pretty good but after that it starts getting to be a bear. I still think with the right patch lube it will load ok.
Huntnut said:
My oldest boy reminded me it was a T/C not a Traditions hawken. So might be up there tuesday morning picking it up.

I don't know what price they had on the TC but I have seen used ones go for from $230.00 to $375.00 used on the auction sites. I paid $450.00 plus shipping for mine new from an auction I won the bid on and it was new old stock. Look at Round Balls Pic of his TC with the Turkey he shot. It has the New style lock like mine. If you get a old style lock it will not spark as well. Something to think about.
Swede50 said:
I am shooting a .490 Lee Mold cast Round Ball and a ten thousands cotton patch.
I don't know if you've mic'ed the .490" balls coming out of your mold to check what the diameter actually is turning out to be, but every TC .50cal I've ever had or currently have easily takes an .018" pillow ticking patch with Hornady .490's balls, using a short starter.

IMHO, a .010" patch is too experience is that they are prone to burn through/shred with hunting loads because they're so thin, and they don't hold as much lube as a thicker patch does, etc...
Swede50 said:
Huntnut said:
My oldest boy reminded me it was a T/C not a Traditions hawken. So might be up there tuesday morning picking it up.

I don't know what price they had on the TC but I have seen used ones go for from $230.00 to $375.00 used on the auction sites. I paid $450.00 plus shipping for mine new from an auction I won the bid on and it was new old stock. Look at Round Balls Pic of his TC with the Turkey he shot. It has the New style lock like mine. If you get a old style lock it will not spark as well. Something to think about.
pretty sure T/C would make good on the lock thing.. :thumbsup:
roundball said:
Swede50 said:
I am shooting a .490 Lee Mold cast Round Ball and a ten thousands cotton patch.
I don't know if you've mic'ed the .490" balls coming out of your mold to check what the diameter actually is turning out to be, but every TC .50cal I've ever had or currently have easily takes an .018" pillow ticking patch with Hornady .490's balls, using a short starter.

IMHO, a .010" patch is too experience is that they are prone to burn through/shred with hunting loads because they're so thin, and they don't hold as much lube as a thicker patch does, etc...
good idea! mike them..lotta molds around ..490.495.498.500.509... ought check just to be sure.. :thumbsup:
roundball said:
Swede50 said:
I am shooting a .490 Lee Mold cast Round Ball and a ten thousands cotton patch.
I don't know if you've mic'ed the .490" balls coming out of your mold to check what the diameter actually is turning out to be, but every TC .50cal I've ever had or currently have easily takes an .018" pillow ticking patch with Hornady .490's balls, using a short starter.

IMHO, a .010" patch is too experience is that they are prone to burn through/shred with hunting loads because they're so thin, and they don't hold as much lube as a thicker patch does, etc...

I checked the Lee cast Round Balls they mic out at .492 - .495 the Hornady swaged balls mic out at .489 - .491 so the Hornady are more consistant.

I have a one cavity RB mold for my Lyman GPR in 54cal they mic out at .529 - .531

I guess it is time to purchase a Lyman RB mold for my 50 TC at least the balls should come out the right size. To big can be a real problem.
Remember that any alloy in your lead will cause the mold to cast a larger diameter ball. Check your lead to make sure its pure, before spending any more money on a new mold. :thumbsup:
There asking $419 for it with both barrels, I do alot of dealing with them there and probably can get it for under $400. I'm not real interested in the .40 barrel but I figure a can sell it or trade for another barrel later.
Huntnut said:
There asking $419 for it with both barrels, I do alot of dealing with them there and probably can get it for under $400. I'm not real interested in the .40 barrel but I figure a can sell it or trade for another barrel later.
Just as FYI...I'm assuming the .40cal is a GM drop-in for the TC Hawken...I have one in Flint and it's an absolute tack driver...based upon posts on forums, the .40cal is also a favorite with competition shooters.

And, with the cost of lead going crazy, a .390"/92grn ball over 40grns Goex 3F is a very economical load to shoot compared to the choices of calibers out there...
Yea I never thought about it like that, it would be cheaper to plink with then the 50 or 54.

Where can a guy get .390 balls at? I have never seen them local.
Huntnut said:
Yea I never thought about it like that, it would be cheaper to plink with then the 50 or 54.
Where can a guy get .390 balls at? I have never seen them local.

I recently ordered another 1000 from Eddie May in GA...$47/1000

Eddie May Round Balls
159 Ridley Rd.
Chatsworth, GA 30705

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