Trying to get a smoothie built for my grandkids, 28 ga, shorter bbl, around 36-38". A skinny fusil or fowler? Suggestions?
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I have some of Jackie's work. He is not building anymore.I recently got a very nice fuse de chasse,made by Jackie Brown. From what I've been able to tell, comparing it to online pictures of originals, it seems quite true to type (with the possible exception of the lock). I still have to get the book recommended as the most complete on these.
I don't know if Mr. Brown is still building, but based on this, I recommend asking him.
I got mine gently used, for a very short time, a couple of years ago. I got the impression that it had been made within the previous five years or so. Since I was focused on trying not to drool too obviously over this beautiful
smooth bore, I didn't get the exact year it was made.
It's light (7#7oz), points instinctively, balances well, and handles beautifully, in spite of a 42" .62 cal barrel. Accurate enough, out to about 50 yds, to keep 5-6 balls well clustered in a torso-sized target.
Good hunting in your search.
That's correct, as I just asked him that a month ago or so. He retired last year for a well deserved retirement!I have some of Jackie's work. He is not building anymore.
I have some of Jackie's work. He is not building anymore.
Trying to get a smoothie built for my grandkids, 28 ga, shorter bbl, around 38". A skinny fusil or fowler? Suggestions?
Yep. That is the fusil you did for me. Nice build, but still a bit heavy for my grandkids. Looking to go a couple lbs lighter. So why not another flintlock even smaller in scale and lighter...This one I just done for a guy in ga