look online under indian beading there are tutorials available,I did this and it works but I'm not sure it's correct;I got beading needles,beads and beading thread from A.C. Moore and Michaels,then i insert the needle throught the leather put five beads[color depends on your pattern]on,5 beads is about 3/8'' long,so at the end of the beads go back through the leather so they lie in a flat line without bunching or looseness come back 2 beads come up though the leather around the thread between the beads back through and back again[so that you've sewn the thread to the leather and you have now come back on the bead side],now, run your needle thruogh the 3 beads holes from where you last came through the leather to where you first put the needle in the leather now go back through the leather and start another row tight against the row you just did.This gave me a row of alternating colors 3/8'' wide along the edge of a flap, you could modify to make lines or patterns by changing where your thread ends up and by the colors and placement of the beads I am not a beader and I just plugged my way into it and it worked.