Shades of Tom Sawyer

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Ha, I haven't thought of that TV show in decades! Michael Parks and Bonnie Bedelia, and you're right she finally started to work when hunger pangs hit home!
How about the movie "Hombre" when John Russell says to the bankers wife "you'd eat dog lady... you'd fight over the bones"!!!

Hombre, great movie, made the kids watch it when they were young, told them there were life lessons about judging people based on their appearance or circumstances.
No pecan trees, but when I was about 14 my Dad built a 2-car garage out of cinder blocks. I had the task of painting those porous blocks. I hated that. I also hated pulling weeds from my Mother's flower beds.

However, earlier when I was around 10 or 12 I had read both Tom Sawyer as well as Huckleberry Finn. I went down to the woods beside the creek and spent about 3 days chopping down a tall, straight tree with my little hatchet. Then, it took me another 3 or 4 days to cut that log into even sections. I dragged it all over to the creek bank, tied the logs together to make a raft and shoved it into the creek.
I was all set to be Huck Finn or Tom Sawyer; to run away and go down the creek. I didn't know that rafts should be made of dry logs. The green living tree that I had cut down barely floated. When I stepped onto it, it sank!
Well, so much for that adventure. ):~(

What you undertook, unsuccessfully, as it turned out, it called a learning process. I bet the next one floated. That's how we went from a lonely stretch of sand in 1903 to the Moon in 1969.
Call this a subject on hardship...... its bluddy luxury !

When I were two and half year we were sent to Mill before opening two in the morning collect waste Mill Loom fluff for our granda's morning ***** sitting, he needed the fluff so 'is emeroids were wiped without pain.

Try cuttin patchin from yer 300 lb grandmas underpants before she washed them, and we had to sew them back together if granda didna shoot that and out everyday.

At 4 year I ad spend all night strippin lead pipin from town sewerage main so granda and da could mould round balls to unt rats and mice for our Christmas dinner every year, but I ad to eat outside in the driving winter sleat cors me ragged shirt wus covered in all colours of ***** after the lead pipes gushed wen I cut them.

But yoo try tell the yung folk today and they'll never beleev yoo......
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The wind most likely blew it away, but I did see you there you walk by my tent a couple of times. The guy in the first photo was camped right next to me. Don't know if you shot in the woods walk but if you did you certainly saw me, I was the one who volunteered to put the shoot on next year. I had a set of La page dueling pistols and a .75 Jeager on my blanket. @Rod Man stayed at my camp until this morning and I've only been home for about an hour.
The wind most likely blew it away, but I did see you there you walk by my tent a couple of times. The guy in the first photo was camped right next to me. Don't know if you shot in the woods walk but if you did you certainly saw me, I was the one who volunteered to put the shoot on next year. I had a set of La page dueling pistols and a .75 Jeager on my blanket. @Rod Man stayed at my camp until this morning and I've only been home for about an hour.
Just washed my clothes and put camp away
Didn’t do the walk, though it’s a fun one.
Just washed my clothes and put camp away
Didn’t do the walk, though it’s a fun one.
I haven't washed myself or my clothes yet...:). The woods walk next year will be a thing to remember I can assure you of that. one of my team members has access to some satellite usage so we're going to get a close-up view of the island and we shot some drone footage before we left this morning while there's no foliage on the trees.
Call this a subject on hardship...... its bluddy luxury !

When I were two and half year we were sent to Mill before opening two in the morning collect waste Mill Loom fluff for our granda's morning ***** sitting, he needed the fluff so 'is emeroids were wiped without pain.

Try cuttin patchin from yer 300 lb grandmas underpants before she washed them, and we had to sew them back together if granda didna shoot that and out everyday.

At 4 year I ad spend all night strippin lead pipin from town sewerage main so granda and da could mould round balls to unt rats and mice for our Christmas dinner every year, but I ad to eat outside in the driving winter sleat cors me ragged shirt wus covered in all colours of ***** after the lead pipes gushed wen I cut them.

But yoo try tell the yung folk today and they'll never beleev yoo......
Luxury ! We had to walk to school 14 mile uphill and come back again 18 mile ( cos we took short cut) But still up hill an yer tell kids today an they Dont believe yer !.
Cheers Rudyard
Luxury ! We had to walk to school 14 mile uphill and come back again 18 mile ( cos we took short cut) But still up hill an yer tell kids today an they Dont believe yer !.
Cheers Rudyard
I can believe it.
I live in the Ozarks which is an old Indian word meaning uphill from here
You can start at a river, go uphill, up up up, come around to the river again and never have gone down
I saw you Sir, just wasn't sure if that was you. Here are just a few pics of me and the crew. Late 18th is not my focus and to make matters worse I had a senior moment and forgot a few of my clothing articles so I was dependent on @andy52 's generosity and others to somewhat fit in with the time period. I had an absolute blast. I will be better prepared next time. The Cinder Blocks were more or less a "Safety" deviation as to what we would normally do and we are glad they were there!





It was a great time!!!

The Cinder Blocks were more or less a "Safety" deviation as to what we would normally do and we are glad they were there!
Unfortunately, they won't let you dig a fire pit at Fort de Chartres any longer and I'm not going to have an open fire on the ground.
Way to dangerous when exposed to the wind, cinder blocks are certainly not period correct, but when they came around warning us about the winds for Friday night the head guy looked at that firepit and simply said you seem to be well protected.