Shootin chunk of ICE with the N.W. gun

Muzzleloading Forum

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Sorry bud ... First , I tried to post a VDO , then when I messed it up I couldnt figure out how to delete this thread !! LOL ! Not very high tech ... LOL ..... ho
You can edit the title, so folks know there was an error. Looks like your phone did some auto correct, and the title doesn't look so good.
I think that link is right , It worked , when I touched it but maybe thats just me ... Sorry , I'm not very high tech , to say the least . Its just a neat , short VDO of me shootin a big chunk of ice with a N.W. gun I'd just finished up . Really cool how that big ole chunk of ice just explodes ! I fill up my stock pots , love em ...then they just sit on the porch till its shower time ...ya put em on the wood stove and in a few hours ya got shower water ! I got no ruunnin water , LOL .... Mountain man style !! Make great targets too !! :)

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