Now some of you are saying "What is there to discuss about two sticks?" Well, some of our newer "viewers" may not have encountered them, yet. A gozillion years ago, when I did a lot of woodchuck hunting, I used a set of dowels to support my Seneca .36 and would surprise the occasional piggy out past 200 yards. After a few recent range sessions, I decided my offhand was out of hand and set about to construct a new set. I found a pair of white oak dowels, 1/2" X 36", at Lowe's for $2.29/ea. Some rounding of the ends with a jacknife & sandpaper and a toch of Minwax and Tung Oil and I had the bacics. I took a 3" x 5" piece of leather and used clothes pins to clamp it on the dowels until I had a hinge point that I could slide for height adjustment (and protect the stock finish from wood-to-wood rubbing). I sewed up the leather and added a second piece as a "flap" to one side that makes a larger padded area.
These are not them, but the idea is similar. This set doesn't appear to have a height adjust with the sling held at the tips.
Just a bit easier to plop my butt down and fire from a seated position in my back-hill range. May even tote them along come deer season.
These are not them, but the idea is similar. This set doesn't appear to have a height adjust with the sling held at the tips.
Just a bit easier to plop my butt down and fire from a seated position in my back-hill range. May even tote them along come deer season.