Roundball said, "Have to be careful about taking things as absolutes
[url][/url] the context that this guy may have been speaking that might have been the case, but it's not the case when using wonder lube or natural lube 1000."
I'm not stating anything as absolute brother Roundball. I guess I just been hanging around my mentor too long he uses natural stuff and when I asked him about this subject a few years ago he said. " Why would I want to waste money on buying that lube when I've been doin' great for years without it."
His success is hard to beat he's been the best shot in our area for the last 25 years. Plus he always finishes in the money when he goes out to Friendship and usually places in the top 3 places at Fort DeChartres shoots also.
The only time he uses lube is when he's huntin' if he's at a match he lubes with spit his offhand 50 yard targets usually group in the X ring at about the size of a fifty cent piece and his 100 bench groups look about the same.
As he says, "why then should I spend money on stuff I don't need."
Also he like to keep his gear self sufficient so to speak the less stuff he has to depend on the better. Just as I imagine our forefathers did!
YMH&OS, :redthumb: