Should we allow peeps in the general contests I run?

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Muzzleloader contests allowing peep sights

  • Yes, allow peep sights

    Votes: 38 73.1%
  • No peeps; keep it as it is

    Votes: 14 26.9%

  • Total voters
Feb 9, 2012
Reaction score
Mesa AZ
I would like to allow them, but I'm trying to keep the contests in the spirit of what Jethro ran so I dont know if I should. What do you think?
Haven’t had to use them yet, but most of us got a gray hair or two on our heads. It’s not traditional for sure but it’s the only way some can enjoy the sport.
I voted against it and I have both types of sights. I know we shoot for fun but it wouldn't be fair to those shooting open sights, unless you make 2 divisions. Just my opinion. I don't shoot that well anymore with either sight.
Voted no,, but only because for their purpose they can be an un-fair advantage when compared to/or with open sights.
Nothing wrong with peeps,, it's just a different category.
Run the game as is,, but keep folks honest and have an open-sight and peep-sight category for scoring.
There could be two winners,,
What if they use something like this.

Or even a piece of electrical tape with a pin hole stuck on the corner of their eyeglasses. Seems like the idea should be to make it as easy as possible to get as many shooters out there having fun and enjoying the competition.
What about regular eyeglass users, would they be disallowed or put in a separate class.
I voted no because you said you wanted to stay in the spirit of Jethro. That being said, your game, your rules.
Yes, as long as they wear hi Viz so we have an idea where they are.

You have trouble seeing these, do you?

All kidding aside, it's a postal-match folks..., if you want the guys using peep sights to note that's what they used when they send in their target, that might be a good judge to see if it really gives an advantage, or merely gives guys and gals with sight problems a way to be competitive, vs. not participating as they have no chance.

It’s not traditional for sure...,

It's not traditional? Hmmm...., I'd say it's not common, but it was very much used as a sighting system in the past.
Crossbow for round ball (no, seriously), London, 1800
CROSSBOW Peep 1800.jpg

and Ottoman gun, with complex peep sight, 1780
PEEP sight Ottoman 1780s.jpg

Voted no,, but only because for their purpose they can be an un-fair advantage when compared to/or with open sights.
Nothing wrong with peeps,, it's just a different category.
Run the game as is,, but keep folks honest and have an open-sight and peep-sight category for scoring.
There could be two winners,,

necchi Say’s it the best I’ve seen here, and how i would word it. I am a dedicated Peep Sight Shooter, my eyes simply do not play well with regular open sights anymore, if it weren’t for my Peep sights I could NEVER shoot like i do. I feel they are an unfair advantage when compared to Regular open sights. Think about this, Finely tuned Peep sights are used to shoot 1,000 Yard Blackpowder Competition, Now Try that with any Form of regular Barrel mounted “Buckhorn” Style open sights, Bead, or Blade Front. The Peep sight totally dominates regular open sights.
I believe they should be 2 Seperate Classes/Divisions
Where’s the two contest button?

Too be fair.... I think you would need too
score open sight vs peep sights separately ..

But I haven’t shot in the postal matches in awhile, so I’m not going to vote, just give an opinion.

It would be interesting too see which group out shot the other however....

Thanks for carrying on with the contest,
I hope too get back into them again soon!
Idaholewis wrote:
Think about this, Finely tuned Peep sights are used to shoot 1,000 Yard Blackpowder Competition, Now Try that with any Form of regular Barrel mounted “Buckhorn” Style open sights, Bead, or Blade Front. The Peep sight totally dominates regular open sights.

Of course those sights are on specialty rifles that will take advantage of the use of that type of sight, and the shooter practices the same style of shooting for each and every match, and the same shooters see very well too. o_O

Which rifle would shoot better, the one with a Rice match barrel, set triggers, and iron sights.., or one with the factory Spanish made barrel, plain trigger, but with the expensive peep sights?

How much of the magic is in the wizard, and how much of it is in the wand? ;)

What if they use something like this.

Or even a piece of electrical tape with a pin hole stuck on the corner of their eyeglasses. Seems like the idea should be to make it as easy as possible to get as many shooters out there having fun and enjoying the competition.
What about regular eyeglass users, would they be disallowed or put in a separate class.

My opinion is that those sort of diopter attachments are to compensate for poor eyesight. They are not attached to the gun. Unless the contest is who has the best eyesight, My opinion would be that should always be allowed. I do the punched hole in electrical tape thing. As long as there is enough light outside, it makes everything in focus. Has nothing to do with aligning the sights, I still have to do that part on my own.
Here's the hard and fast truth of the matter: We're a bunch of geezers with failing eyes. Jethro and his buds using the guns back in the day were young punks with good eyes. In our area anyway, if we organized a shoot and didn't allow peeps, about 3 out of 30 of us regular shooters would even bother to enter.

If you're going for historic facts, the fact was most guys back in the day didn't live half as long as we do. And the few survivors to our age were well out of the shooting business by the time they were 50. Gotta choose which historic fact you're gonna lean on. No peeps means you're looking for a younger generation that just isn't signing up for traditional muzzleloaders.
Two contests or include information on your [postal match] target as to the type of sight used. Btw, slightly off-topic, but there is a 17th century crossbow on display in the colonial Williamsburg area, specifically the Jamestown site, with a peep/aperture sight mounted (also 17th century).
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This one dates to the early 1500's. I think we are talking about personal preferences rather that tradition. Peep type sights have been around for a long time. Let's be careful we don't start one of those nasty name calling discussions. Personally, my accuracy problem is my unsteadyness if that's even a word. A better sight just lets me see how much I waver on the target. Even a scope doesn't help me with that.
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